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Domanda English Risposta English
what does it mean to satisfice
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Make a good enough decesion
Bounded Rationality
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it also Satisfices
Rational Descion Model
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Talks about optimizing. assumes agreement on both sides
garbage can model
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reverses the decision-making process. Solutions looking for a problem. Used in politics
where does noise and communication come from
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The message we received from people and what we think they are. Two different types of things. The miscommunication
what is the richest kind of communication
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in person
what is speific / Global communication
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specific is a specific issue. Global is more generalized
Josie king
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Little girl got burned. There was a miscommunication on narcotics
what are the three principles of active listening
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summarizing paraphrasing clarifying
what listening do we do every day
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amplify value
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make bigger build on it
how is power different from leadership
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leadership more getting people to do something. Power is ability to make them do it
leadership trait
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leaders are born certain personality characteristics
leadership contingency
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it depends

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