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John gave a bar of chocolate to Jill
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A bar of chocolate was given to Jill by John. / Jill was given a bar of chocolate by John.
I lent a pencil to Graham
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A pencil was lent to Graham by me. / Graham was lent a pencil by me.
Fiona told the truth to Julian
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The truth was told to Julian by Fiona. / Julian was told the truth by Fiona.
They offered the job to Simon
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The job was offered to Simon. / Simon was offered the job.
The boss showed the new computer to Anna.
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The new computer was showed to Anna by the boss. / Anna was showed the new computer by the boss.
Julie taught the grammar to the students.
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The students was taught the grammar by Julie. / The grammar was taught to the students by Julie.
I sent the email to John.
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The email was sent to John by me. / John was sent the email by me.
Lucy threw the ball to the child.
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The ball was thrown to the child by Lucy. / The child was thrown the ball by Lucy.
Sophia sold the car to a doctor.
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The car was sold to a doctor by Sophia. / A doctor was sold the car by Sophia.
I asked the question to David.
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The question was asked to David by me. / David was asked the question by me.

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