Past Contin. 2

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Domanda Risposta
do momentu
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do poniedziałku
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till Monday. till Monday. till Monday
do następnego tygodnia.
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until next week.
do następnego tygodnia.
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until next week.
On leciał wczoraj cały dzień.
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He was flying all day yesterday.
On leciał wczoraj cały dzień.
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He was flying all day yesterday.
Wczoraj rano dzieci bawiły się.
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Yesterday morning the children were playing.
Wczoraj rano dzieci bawiły się.
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Yesterday morning the children were playing. Yesterday. morning. the. children. were. playing. Yesterday morning the children were playing.
On siedział za długo na zewnątrz
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He was sitting outside too long. He was sitting outside too long. He was sitting outside too long.
Ostatniej nocy tańczyliśmy.
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We were dancing last night. We were dancing last night. We were dancing last night.
On pracował o 10 rano.
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He was working at 10 am.
On pracował o 10 rano.
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He was working at 10 am.
Czy on pracował o 9:30 rano?
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Was he working at 9.30am? Was he working at 9.30am?
Czy on pracował o 9:30 rano?
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Was he working at 9.30am? Was he working at 9.30am?
Tak, on pracował rano i po południu.
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Yes, he was working in the morning and in the afternoon. Yes, he was the. morning. the. afternoon.
Podczas, gdy on skakał, ona go obserwowała
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While he was jumping, she was watching him. While he. was. jumping., she. was. watching. him.
Dave uderzał w bębny a Joe dmuchał w puzon
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Dave was hitting the drums and Joe was blowing the trombone. Dave was hitting the drums. and. Joe. was. blowing. the. trombone
On szedł przez park, gdy się potknął i się przewrócił
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He was walking through the park when he stumbled and fell
On szedł przez park, gdy się potknął i się przewrócił
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He was walking through the park when he stumbled and fell
On szedł przez park, gdy się potknął i się przewrócił
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He was. walking. through. the. park. when.he. stumbled. and. fell
Podczas, gdy oni spali, on wpadł w tarapaty
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While they were sleeping, he got in trouble
Podczas, gdy oni spali, on wpadł w tarapaty
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While they were. sleeping., he. trouble.
Podczas, gdy oni spali, on wpadł w tarapaty
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While. they. were. sleeping., he. trouble
On zawsze odpoczywał
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He was always resting. He was always resting
On zawsze odpoczywał
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He was always resting. He was always resting
Ona zawsze zostawiała mnie z całą papierkową robotą.
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She was always leaving me with all the paperwork.
Ona zawsze zostawiała mnie z całą papierkową robotą.
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She was always leaving me with all the paperwork. She was always leaving me with all the paperwork.
On zawsze spał na służbie.
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He was always sleeping on duty.
On zawsze spał na służbie.
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He was always sleeping on duty. He was always sleeping on duty.
podczas/ w trakcie/ podczas gdy
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during / during / while while
cAłe popołudnie
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all afternoon all afternoon all afternoon
cały tydzień
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all the week all the week
Co robiłęś wczoraj wieczorem?
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What were you doing last night?
Co robiłeś wczoraj wieczorem?
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What were you doing last night? What. were. you. doing. last. night? What were you doing last night?
Wczoraj zmywałem naczynia i czytałem artykuł.
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Yesterday I was washing the dishes and reading the article.
Wczoraj zmywałem naczynia i czytałem artykuł.
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Yesterday I was washing the dishes and reading the article. Yesterday I was washing. the. dishes. and. reading. the. article.
Czy śpiewałeś kolędy w wigilię?
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Were you singing Christmas carols on Christmas Eve? Were you singing Christmas carols on Christmas Eve? Were you singing Christmas. carols.on. Christmas. Eve?
CZy rozmawiałeś z członkami rodziny?
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Were you speaking with your family members? Were you speaking with your family members? Were you speaking with your family members?
czy pracowałeś w zeszłym tygodniu?
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Were you working last week? Were you working last week?
Czy oglądałeś film, podczas gdy twoja córka czytała książkę?
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were you watchimg the movie while your daughter was reading the book? were you watchimg the movie while your daughter was reading the book? were you watchimg the movie while. your. daughter. was. reading. the. book?
Kto ciebie obserwował?
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Who was watching you?
Kto ciebie obserwował?
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Who was watching you? Who was watching you?
Steve ciebie obserwował.
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Steve was watching you.
Steve ciebie obserwował.
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Steve was watching you. Steve was watching you.
czy Steve ciebie obserwował?
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was Steve watching you? was Steve watching you? was Steve watching you?
Steve ciebie nie obserwował. On słuchał muzyki.
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Steve wasn't watching you. He was listening to music.
Steve ciebie nie obserwował. On słuchał muzyki.
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Steve wasn't watching you. He was listening to music.
Steve ciebie nie obserwował. On słuchał muzyki.
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Steve wasn't. watching. you.He. was. music.
Robiliśmy zakupy cały wtorek
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We were shopping all Tuesday
Robiliśmy zakupy cały wtorek
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We were shopping all Tuesday. We were shopping all Tuesday

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