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Domanda English Risposta English
Would you like more cofffee?
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I'm OK. thanks.
I'm really sorry
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No problem
Can I help you?
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No, thank you. I'm just looking.
Thank you very much.
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Not at all.
Could you pass the salt, please?
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Sure, here you are.
Noce to see you again.
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Noce to see you too.
Pleased to meet you.
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Pleased to meet you, too
How are you today?
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Fine, thanks, And you?
Excuse me, can you help me?
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Yes, of course.
Are you ready to order?
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Yes, I'll have cofrfee, please
I'd like to buy a ticket to London
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Single or return?
Are you ready to order?
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Yes, I'll have orange juice.
How are you feeling today?
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Not too good, thanks for asking.
What time does the train to Edinbourg leave?
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How are you going to travel to America?
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I'm going by plane.

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