Paweł 13th Dec (45 min)

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Domanda Risposta
Jestem z siebie dumny. / z ciebie. / z niego.
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I'm proud of myself. / of you. / of him.
to zależy od ciebie
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it's up to you
albo ... albo...
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either ... or...
Spotkajmy się w środę lub w czwartek.
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Let's meet either on Wednesday or on Thursday.
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f there's a café nearby, we could stop for a snack.
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cenić / doceniać
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to value
I've always valued her advice.
pada śnieg
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it's snowing
Wczoraj padał deszcz
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Yesterday it was raining
opady śniegu
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Heavy snowfalls are predicted for tonight and tomorrow.
Nie dam rady dzisiaj (np. się spotkać)
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I will not make it today
rozładować (towar)
The driver unloaded some boxes from the back of the truck.
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to unload
Trucking companies are trying to cut the time drivers spend waiting in line to load or unload.
wielka litera
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a capital letter
Utknąłem na granicy.
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I got stuck on the border.
W zeszłym miesiącu byłem chory na Covid.
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Last month I was sick with Covid.
Leje jak z cebra.
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It's pouring down.
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randomowe; D pytanie
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a random question
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Steven gave me some good advice.
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It's a bit pricey but the food is wonderful.
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I'll give it a go.

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