People in the music world

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a particular thing that somebody does
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a singing voice with a lower range than that of a soprano; a person with an alto voice or a musical part that is written for an alto voice
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a person who creates works of art, especially paintings or drawings. or a person who is a professional singer, dancer, actor, etc.
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a small group of musicians who play popular music together, often with a singer or Singers. or a group of musicians who play brass and percussion instruments
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a man’s singing voice with a range between tenor and bass; a man with a baritone voice.or. ​a musical instrument that is second lowest in pitch in its family
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​a person who plays the bass or the double bass
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​a person who plays the bassoon
Big band
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​a large group of musicians playing jazz or dance music
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​a person who plays the bugle
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a group of people who sing together, for example in church services or public performances.or. the part of a church where the choir sits during services
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​a person who plays the clarinet
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​a person who writes music, especially classical music
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​ a person who stands in front of an orchestra, a group of singers etc., and directs their performance, especially somebody who does this as a profession
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​a singing voice with a lower range than that of a soprano; a person with a contralto voice
disc jockey
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​a person whose job is to introduce and play recorded popular music, on radio or television or at a club, party, etc.
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a famous woman singer, especially an opera singer
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​an unusually high voice, especially the voice that men use to sing very high notes
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a person who plays the violin, especially to play folk music
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​the main performer or act in a show
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a musician who plays traditional Mexican music, usually as part of a small group that travels from place to place; the type of music played by these musicians
musical director
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​the person who is in charge of the music in a show in the theatre
one-man band
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​a street musician who plays several instruments at the same time
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a large group of people who play various musical instruments together, led by a conductor
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​a person who makes new versions of recorded pieces of music by using a machine to arrange the separate parts of the recording in a different way, add new parts, etc.
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a very successful and very famous band that plays rock music, especially one whose members have already become famous in other bands
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performs in a pop or rock concert before the main performer

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