PET Unit 3 - phrasal verbs

 0    13 schede    matihszulc
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Domanda Risposta
opiekować się
to be responsible for
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to look after
to wait
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hang on
wykorzystać wszystko
use all of
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to run out of
Np. You can't eat cereals. We have run out of milk.
to take part in an activity with other people
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to join in
poddać się
stop doing sth before you have completed it
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to give up
nie móc się doczekać
feel happy about sth that is going to happen
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look forward to
podjąć hobby
start doing a hobby
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take up
przestać lubić
stop liking
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go off
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to go on
dołączyć do czegoś
arrange to do an organised activity
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put your name down
zapisać się na listę
register to do sth
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to sign up for
wyruszyć w podróż
start a journey
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set off
dowiedzieć się, odkryć
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to find out

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