Phrasal verbs 76 - 100

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El kell halasztanom a találkozónkat.
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to put something off
I have to put off our meeting.
Elriasztott azzal a beszéddel.
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to put someone off
He put me off with that speech.
Vedd fel a kabátot, hideg van kinnt.
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to put something on
Put on a coat, it's cold outside.
Hadd oltsam el a cigit.
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to put out
Let me put the cigarette out.
Feltettem egy új festményt.
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to put something up
I've put up a new painting.
A taxisofőr meglopott.
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to rip off
The taxi driver ripped me off.
Elfutott mielőtt a rendprség el tudta volna kapni.
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to run away
He ran away before the police could catch him.
Teljesen elfogyott a pénzem.
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to run out
I've totally ran out of money.
Gyűjtenünk kell ebben a hónapban.
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to save up
We should save up this month.
Itt az ideje elindulni.
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to set off
It's time to set off.
Nemrég elindítottam egy startup-ot.
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to set up
I set up a startup recently.
assíts le, ott van egy stop tábla!
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to slow down
Slow down, there's a stop!
Próbáld meg megoldani ezt a dilemmát.
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to sort out
Try to sort out this dilemma.
Állj fel és nézz ki!
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to stand up
Stand up and look out!
A rendező átvette az irányítást.
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to take over
The dictator took over the control.
(tanulni valamit)
Együtt kezdtünk el úszni.
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to take up something
We took up swimming together.
A repülő nemrég szállt fel.
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to take off
The airplane has just taken off.
Miért szidtál le?
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to tell off
Why did you tell me off?
Edobnád ezt a citrom héjat?
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to throw away
Can you throw away this lemon peel?
A bank visszautasította a kérelmemet a kölcsönért.
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to turn down
The bank turned down my loan application.
Fordulj meg, jön a tanár!
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to turn around
Turn around, the teacher is coming!
Reggel korán fel kell ébrednie.
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to wake up
She needs to wake up early in the morning.
Egész nap edzettem, most nagyon fáradt vagyok
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to work out
I worked out all the day, now I'm very tired.
Írd le, amit a tanár magyaráz.
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to write down
Write down what the teacher explains.
Elmosogattam miután ettem
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to wash up
I washed up after I had eaten.

Il corso comprende anche le seguenti serie di schede:

Phrasal verbs 1 - 25Phrasal verbs 26 - 50Phrasal verbs 51 - 75

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