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Domanda English Risposta English
ALONG. ------ Plans for a new stadium are already pretty far "along". ------- Along.
adelante. adelantado en, entrado en. (further down), at or to an advanced point.
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adelante. adelantado en, entrado en. (further down), at or to an advanced point.
ALONG ------ The morning was well "along" when we arrived. [equal: it was late in the morning when we arrived]. --------- Along.
ALONG ------ I'll be "along" in a minute. [equal: I'll be there] to see him in a few minutes. --------- Along.
Haya, o aqui. here or there. at a particular place.
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Haya, o aqui. here or there. at a particular place.
ALONG ------ We missed the first bus, but another one should be "along" [equal: should be here] soon. --------- Along.
To HANG. ------ The walls are "hung" with paintings. --------- To HANG.
decorar, adornar colgando algo sobre otra cosa. (adorn, decorate). to decorate (a surface) by hanging something on it.
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decorar, adornar colgando algo sobre otra cosa. (adorn, decorate). to decorate (a surface) by hanging something on it.
To HANG. ------ "Hang" the Christmas tree with glass balls. --------- to hang.
To HANG. ------ Storm clouds were "hanging" low overhead. --------- to hang.
flotar, permanecer, perdurar. to float over a place or object for a long time.
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flotar, permanecer, perdurar. to float over a place or object for a long time.
The smell of perfume "hung" in the air around her. -Smoke "hung" above the crowd. ------ to hang.
To HANG. ------ We were "hanging" at the doctor's office for two hours. --------- to hang.
Permanecer, esperar, quedarse. to be, wait or stay somewhere for a period of time without doing much.
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Permanecer, esperar, quedarse. to be, wait or stay somewhere for a period of time without doing much.
To HANG. ------ The decision is still "hanging". --------- to hang.
chapapote. alquitrán.
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blacktop. or Asphalt.
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Sala, salón de recepcion, local de reunión.

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