Phrasal verbs - come and cut

 0    27 schede    julietjanikow3
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Domanda English Risposta English
hurry up, come down
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come along
appear, arive by chance
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come along
obtain sth
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come by
become ill
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come down with
go down with somebody
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come down with
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come into
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come over
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come off
leave sth
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come off
take participation in a protest, strike
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come out
begin to blossom
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come out
be published, become available (movie, book)
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come out
to be removed
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come out
visit casually
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come round
regain consciousness
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come round
change one's point of view
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come round
to be mentioned
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come up
occur, arise (the problems), emerge
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come up
encounter difficulties
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come up against
find, think of (a solution, an answer, etc)
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come up with
cause sth to fall by cutting
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cut down
reduce, limit sth
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cut down
reduce consumption
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cut down on sth
interrupt, break in
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cut into
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cut off
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cut off
take out
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cut out

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