Phrasal verbs

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ustatkować się
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to stay in one place or get married and live quietly
settle down
natrafić na coś
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to come across
to find sth. or meeting sb. by chance
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the stand in for
to do sb's job for them white the are not available
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to pass out
to suddenly become uncoscious
znosić / godzić się na coś
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to put up with
to tolerate
odkryć, dowiedzieć się
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find out
to discover information
zapiąć, remontować
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do up
to fasten something
pojawiać się
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turn up
to appear unexpectedly or without making a firm arrangement
prowadzić badania / badać
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to look into
spróbować czegoś
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to try out
To experiment with
odprowadzić kogoś
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to see off
to go to ateine Station to see Someone leave
zdzierać, znosić
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to wear out
to become old and unusable
zmienić się w, przeobrazić się w
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to turn into
to change into something different
ujść na sucho, uniknąć kary za coś
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to get away with
to Escape punishment for
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to tear up
to RIP into pieces
psuć się/załamywać się
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go off
to be no Longer Flash
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the call of
tu cancel
wymyślać / tworzyć
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to make up
to invent an explanation, Excuse etcetera
startować/odnosić sukces
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take off
to keave The Ground
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put out
to make Something stop burning
ograniczyć coś
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cut down on
tu reduce an amount of
popisywać się
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show off
to try jak to attract People's attention And make them admire you
być podobnym
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take after
look Or behave Like An Older relative
wychować / wychowywać
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to bring up
to look after a child until he or she becomes an adult

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