phrasal verbs

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Domanda English Risposta English
to refuse an offer, a job, or a request
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turn sb down
to decide that a planned event will not happen
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call off
to make someone dislike something or someone, or to discourage someone from doing something:
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put sb off
to employ someone or to compete against or fight someone
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take sb on
to call someone who called you earlier, or to call someone for a second time
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ring sb back
to admire and respect someone:
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look up to someone
to gradually become an adult
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grow up
to stop doing something before you have finished it, usually because it is too difficult
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give up (sth)
to start living in a place where you intend to stay for a long time, usually with your partner
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settle down
to start a new business
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set up
all of it has been used or it is completely finished:
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run out
to begin to do sth
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take up
to represent sth
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stand for sth
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pass away
stop going to classes before they have finished their course.
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drop out
to stop using and needing something because you have given up the sport or activity it is used for
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hang sth up
to get better; impove
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look up
appear; be found; happen
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turn up
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go by
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bring up
learn sth involuntarily
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pick up sth
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take off sth
go on
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go on

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