Phrasal Verbs Part 1

 0    12 schede    michalinagebicka
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Domanda English Risposta English
brush up (on)
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practice and improve your skills or knowledge of something
come (a)round (to)
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Change your opinion or decision because someone has persuaded you to agree with them.
face up to
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Accept something and try to deal with it.
Hit upon
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Suddenly have an idea; discover something by chance.
Make out
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See, hear or understand someone or something with difficulty; suggest, imply.
Mull over
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Think carefully about something over a period of time.
Puzzle out
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Solve a confusing or complicated problem by thinking carefully about it.
read up (on/about)
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Get information on a particular subject by reading a lot about it.
swot up (on)
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Study something very hard, especially for an examination.
take in
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Understand and remember something that you hear or read; accept something as real or true; trick someone into believing something that is not true.
think over
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Consider a problem or decision carefully.
think up
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invent or imagine something, especially an excuse.

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