
 0    17 schede    skylerskroski
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I will clean the kitchen.
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Voy a limpiar la cocina.
What is this?
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Qué es esto?
This is delicious.
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Esto es delicioso.
How was your day?
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¿Que tal tu día?
I need to prepare my backpack.
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Necesito preparar mi mochila.
What are you talking about?
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¿De qué estás hablando?
see you tomorrow
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hasta mañana
I like your hair.
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me gusta tu pelo
I like your shoes.
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Me gustan tus zapatos.
I'll find the broom.
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Encontraré la escoba.
can I borrow the vaccum?
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¿Puedo pedir prestado el vacío?
nice to meet you
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Encantada de conocerte
you too
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me too
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yo también
what should I do now?
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¿Qué tengo que hacer
what time is it?
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Qué hora es?
what is your name?
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cuál es tu nombre?

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