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Domanda Risposta
pasmo górskie
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mountain range
jak sie wymawia?
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how do you pronounce
kim do diabła jest ...?
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who on earth is...?
nazywac ją „Pani Thing”
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call her "Mrs Thing"
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było pochmurno
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it was wet out
pracujemy razem od czterech lat
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we've been working together for four years
kiedys rozmawialiśmy
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we've spoken
domyslam sie
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I assume that
Na razie!
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Take it easy!
ganek / przedsionek
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Wspaniale pana spotkac
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how wonderful to see you
dosc niezręczna sytuacja
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a rather awkward situation
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Jestem zdany na siebie
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I'm on my own
nie mam z kim porozmawiać
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not have anyone to talk to
na początek/poczatku
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for starters
drugie imię
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middle name
zdziwilo mnie jakie to jest wieloznaczne
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i was struck how ambiguous it is
podworko szkolne
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town hall/city hall
w razie potrzeby
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if need be
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given name
imię nadane na chrzcie
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christian name
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last name / surname
nazwac, nadac imie
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name him
podaj swoje imię/nazwisko
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state your name
powoli i wyraźnie
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slowly and clearly
spiesznie i niedbale
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hurriedly and carelessly
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jest często przekrecane/zle wymawiane
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is often mispronounced
nazywano mnie
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I've been called
poczta adresowana do
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mail addressed to
przeinaczone w
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warped into
warto zapytać
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worth asking
skąd masz ten krawat?
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where did you get this tie?
czym się zajmujesz?
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what do you do?
skąd znasz solenizanta?
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how do you know the birthday boy
skąd znasz pana młodego?
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how do you know the groom?
temat do rozmowy
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conversation starter
jak się poznaliście
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how did you guys meet?
gdy sie poznalismy
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first time we met
to może wydawać się głupią wskazówką
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it may seem like a silly tip
pamiętaj o tym ze
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bear in mind
mimo że moje imię jest krótkie
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even though my name is short
Zwykle muszę to przeliterować
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I usually need to either spell it
lub przynajmniej wspomnieć, że ma podwójne T
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or at least mention that it has a double T
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wiec jak sami widzicie
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so as you can see for yourself
to raczej ważne
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it's rather important
o dziwo wiele ludzi lubi mówić o sobie
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strangely enough many people like talking about themselves
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sprawiają, że czuja sie fantastycznie
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make them look fabulous
garstka ludzi
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handful of people
mówić o ludziach, których dana uroczystosc dotyczy np solenizant
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talk about the people who are celebrating
mówisz o pracy
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you go on about work
mowic zwiezle
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keep it short
uwielbienie, kult (religia)
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wpuść mnie
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let me in
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Jak się czuje Juanita?
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How is Juanita?
czy wszystko z nia w porzadku?
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Is she ok?
Dziękuję, zenpytasz
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Thank you for asking
Jak u ciebie?
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How are you doing?
Wszystko w porządku
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I'm fine
Pochodzę z
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I come from
Urodziłem się i chodzilem do szkoly w
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I was born and raised in...
mieszkalem tez w
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I also lived in
Jestem żonaty.
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I'm married.
przedstawic go
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introduce him
poznaj mojego męża
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meet my husband
mow do noego krotko wojt
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you can call him Wojt for short
nie mam dzieci
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I have no kids
wciąż mieszkam w moim rodzinnym mieście
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still live in my hometown
zywiolowa reakcja
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an enthusiastic reaction
Nie przeszkadza mi to
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I don't mind it
reagowac na
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react to
Nic na sile
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Don't force it
przy odrobinie szczęścia
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with a bit of luck
znajdź nowego kolege
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find a new friend
zwykle nie wiedzą
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they tend not to know
sklonnosc, tendencja
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tend to do sth
łyk, np wody
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Moje pierwsze imię pisze sie
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My first name is spelled
Mow mi Mike
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You can call me Mike
Miło cię znow widzieć!
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Nice to see you!
Mam 26 lat
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I'm 26
Pochodzę z Krakowa.
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I come from Cracow.
Teraz mieszkam w Sopocie.
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I live in Sopot now.
Jestem kelnerem
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I work as waiter
Jestem singlem.
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I'm single.
Nigdy nie mialem zony
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I have never been married
Jestem rozwiedziony(a).
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I'm divorced.
Jestem wdowcem/wdową
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I'm widowed
Moje nazwisko panieńskie to Wróbel
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My maiden name is Wróbel
jestem jedynakiem
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I'm an only child
Mam dwoje dzieci
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I'm a mother of two
Moje dzieci mają 6 i 4 lata
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My kids are 6 and 4
Interesuję się hip-hopem
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I'm interested in hip-hop
Uwielbiam spacerowac w deszczu
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I love walking in the rain
Jesteśmy tu na urlopie
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We're here on holiday/vacation
To mój narzeczony, Paul.
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This is my fiance, Paul.
Jest tu sluzbowo
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He's here on business
Miło było cię poznać
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It was lovely to meet you
rozmowy towarzyskie nie sa moja mocna strona
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I'm not very good at small talk
Mowiles, ze jak masz na imie?
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What was your name again?
Jak długo jesteście razem?
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How long have you been together?
Czesto tu przychodzisz?
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Do you come here often?
A Ty?
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What about you?
Czym się interesujesz?
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What are you interested in?
Dziękuje za zaproszenie
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Thank you for having me.
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bold / brave
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auction / bid
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rada / sobor / kolegium
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szalowy, bajeczny, wspaniałe, cudowne
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fabulous, wonderful
pudel chwyta piłkę
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poodle fetches the ball
niemy film
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silent film
klaniac sie
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hol, poczekalnia
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boy scout
zdziwilo mnie
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I was struck
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ze strony jego rodziców
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on his parents' part
nawiązując do, na temat
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reffering to
smialy, odwazny, pogrubienie
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zapalenie oskrzeli
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