Piotrek 10th May (45 min)

 0    15 schede    pkempkiewicz
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to count
przepraszam (za to)
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sorry about that
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a kEttle
ścieżka rowerowa
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a cycling path
Mieliśmy pecha.
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We were unlucky.
tworzyć więź z kimś
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to bond with sb
Time must be given for the mother to bond with her baby.
nieść coś
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to carry sth
do not confuse with CARRY ON
Let me carry that for you.
w ten weekend
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this weekend
Muszę pójść / jechać do domu.
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I have to GO home.
wpaść do kogoś w odwiedziny
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to come over to...
Do you want to come over on Friday evening?
Moi koledzy ze szkoły przychodzą dzisiaj się pobawić.
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My school friends are coming over for a playdate.
Pamiętam to, ale niewyraźnie.
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I remember this but vaguely.
I vaguely remember my childhood.
Myślę, że on zapamięta to na zawsze.
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I think he will remember this forever.
wchodzić w szczegóły
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to go into detail
Let's not go into detail.
Nie jedźmy do Warszawy.
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Let's not go to Warsaw.

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