Piotrek 18th March (50 min)

 0    11 schede    pkempkiewicz
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It is one of my greatest accomplishments.
czasami (s...)
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ON some days / some days
Some days we need to relax and do nothing and some days we need to carry on with our work.
do NOT use IN with days
Ona jest w Helenki wieku.
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She's Helenka's age.
Do NOT say: AT Helenka's age
Czy ty jesteś w moim wieku?
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Are you my age?
Przestań tupać nogami.
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Stop stomping your feet.
Pokłóciliśmy się.
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We had an argument.
odpłynąć (myślami), wyłączyć się
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to zone out
How often do you zone out?
mam tendencję do czegoś
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I have a tendency to do sth / I tend to do sth
I have a tendency to talk too much when I'm nervous.
uważać coś za rzecz oczywistą; brać kogoś / coś za pewnik
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take sth for granted
Don't take your good health for granted.
bać się czegoś (f...)
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to fear sth
All his employees fear him.
to be afraid OF sth / to be scared OF sth
osiągnąć coś
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to accomplish sth

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