Piotrek 27th Sept (45 min)

 0    16 schede    pkempkiewicz
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Domanda Risposta
Jesteśmy na basenie.
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We're at the pool.
do not say: on the pool
Z kim się bawiłeś?
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Who did you play with?
Myślę, że on jest na siłowni.
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I think he's at the gym.
do not say: on the gym
bilet powrotny
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a return ticket
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a captain
z dużą prędkością
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AT a high speed
at high/low/full/top speed
Było sto osób na pokładzie samolotu.
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There WERE a hundred people on the plane.
hand z drugiej strony
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on the other hand
do not say: from the other hand
nawalić się
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to get wasted
Did he get wasted?
na linkedin
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ON linkedin
Are you on linkedin?
On dostał pracę w McDolandzie.
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He got A job at McDonald's.
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an engineer
Is your husband an engineer?
Właściwie to ona ma rację.
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She's actually right.
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currently / at the moment
The hourly charge is currently £35.
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a highway
II wojna światowa
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World War II

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