Piotrek 31st May (60 min)

 0    16 schede    pkempkiewicz
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Musiałeś być wykończony w niedzielę.
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You must have been exhausted on Sun.
W piątek musiałem pomóc mojej teściowej.
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On Friday I had to help my mother-in-law.
wydać rozkaz
wydawać rozkazy
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to give AN order
to give orders
wydawać (pieniądze)
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to spend - spent - spent
How much did you spend on this car?
Musisz być taka zmęczona.
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You must be so tired.
Mieliśmy dużo śmiesznych sytuacji.
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We had a lot of funny situationS.
domek na plaży
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a beach house
wstawić się
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to get tipsy
to get drunk / to get wasted
Przestało padać.
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It stopped raining.
Leje jak z cebra.
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It's pouring down.
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We looked at the birds THROUGH binoculars.
zwijać żagiel
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to take in sail
stawiać żagiel
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to set sail
jeździć na rowerze
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to ride a bicylcle
pojechać na rowerze
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to go by bicycle
Jeżdżę do pracy samochodem.
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I go to work by car.
to drive to work BY CAR - NEVER! drive = to go by car!
to drive to work

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