Places - Steder

 0    32 schede    VocApp
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You can check that on the arrivals board.
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en ankomst
Du kan kontrollere det på ankomstbordet.
This city never sleeps.
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en by
Denne by sover aldrig.
Turn right.
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Drej til højre.
Go straight on.
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Forsæt ligeud.
Are you going to the cinema?
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en biograf
Skal du i biografen?
The tickets to the theatre are expensive.
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et teater
Billetterne til teatret er dyre.
Oh, it's so hot here!
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Åh, det er så varmt her!
+25 schede
La lezione è parte del corso
"Danish: day 2"
(Un totale di 265 schede)

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