Pleased to meet you - wyrażenia

 0    21 schede    justynaszewczyk2
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Domanda English Risposta English
to agree with someone
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see eye to eye
to have your own opinions
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have a mind of one's own
to stay calm
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keep a cool head
to be crazy
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be out of one's mind
to think about something and come to a decision
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make up one's mind
play a joke on somebody by making them believe something that isn't true
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pull one's leg
not show that you are upset
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put on a brave face
to share a problem or secret
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get something off one's chest
ignore someone
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give someone the cold shoulder
to laugh uncontrollably
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laugh one's head off
to cry uncontrollably
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cry one's eyes out
to suddenly feel a very strong feeling of love for someone
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fall head over heals in love
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turn one's nose up
stop oneself from laughing
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keep a straight face
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a pain in the neck
to keep quiet, stop yourself from responding
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hold one's tongue
was unable to act calmly and sensibly
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lose one's head
controlled by someone, subservient to them
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under someone's thumb
to say the wrong thing
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put one's foot in it
not show any emotions, not show that you are upset
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keep a stiff upper lip
to show that you are angry or upset
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tear one's hair out

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