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Domanda Risposta
teren, okolica
inizia ad imparare
area, the area
nad jeziorem/rzeką /morzem
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by the lake / river / sea
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close to something
daleko od czegoś
inizia ad imparare
far from something
w (hałaśliwej) dzielnicy
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in a (noisy) district
w (cichej) okolicy
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in a (quiet) neighbourhood
w stolicy
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in the capital city
na wsi
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in the country/countryside
w centrum
inizia ad imparare
in the heart of
na głównej ulicy
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in the main street
w górach
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in the mountains
na przedmieściu
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in the suburbs
w centrum małego/dużego miasta
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in the town / city centre
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inizia ad imparare
na plaży
inizia ad imparare
on the beach
na granicy
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on the border
z widokiem na (rzekę)
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with a view to the (river)
wieś, wioska
inizia ad imparare

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