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on the bright side
Johnny Sick and can go to work on the bright side he will finally have some Extra Time to spend with his Family
martwa natura
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still life
srebrna podszewka, iskra nadziei,
inaczej bright side
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the silver lining
wyrzuciłem to wszystko
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threw it all away
weź się w garść uspokój się i dojdz do siebie
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pull yourself together
być naturalnym nie opowiadać się za żadną ze stron
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to sit/ to be on the fence
I'm sitting on the fence on this one I don't want to offend anyone
orzeł czy reszka
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heads or tails
złamać kod
is an expression that means to figure something out
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crack a code
nadążyć za kimś czymś
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keep up with
I can't Keep up with all the project The professor assigns!
Nie zrobiłem tego skoro zapytałeś
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I didn't since you asked
ominąć problem, znaleźć rozwiązanie
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get around to
I finally got around to finishing that book you have me last year.
dobrze dla ciebie! gratuluję super inaczej
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good for you!
rezolucja, decyzja postanowienie
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resolutions, decision
My New Year resolution is to speak more English at work
Nie zrozumcie mnie źle.
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Don't get me wrong.
Jego pomysł był genialny.
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He's idea was brilliant.
wymyślić, wpaść na
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come up with
są zawsze mile widziane
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are always welcome
podnieść wyzwanie
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pick up challenge
zajmować kogoś
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keep someone busy
When I was in the hospital I tried to keep myself busy reading so I wouldn't get bored.
Pozwól mi sobie wyjaśnić.(w jasny przejrzysty sposób)
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Let me get this straight.
brać pod uwagę
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take into account
Krew jest gęstsza niż woda
więzy krwi są najważniejsze - to oznacza
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Blood is thicker than water
trudny dzień trudny czas
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rough day rough time
mamy duzo roboty
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I am snowed under
to zajmie tylko sekundę
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it will just take a second
nigdy nie odkładaj na jutro tego, co możesz zrobić dzisiaj
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never put off until tomorrow what you can do today
zatrzymać się przy drodze w samochodzie
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stop by the side of the road in a car
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naprawdę dobry
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really good one
tutaj, tu
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over here
I can smell your hat from over here
zobacz, jakie są tanie
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look how cheap they are
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pozbywać się, zrzucać lub szopa
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shed - shed - shed
nawy w supermarkecie
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aisle in the supermarket
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jeśli nie masz nic przeciwko mojemu pytaniu
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if you don't mind my asking
jeden jedyny
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the one
robic scenę
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cause a scene
Mad girlfriend caused a scene when she saw his ex texted him.
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mogę cokolwiek ci dać
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can I get you anything
Lily też
zamiast too also
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so was Lily
So + to be+ subject
I was born in Brazil so was my grandmother.
co za zbieg okoliczności
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what a coincidence
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The little kit was punished because she was rude to his teacher
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tony dużo
a lot of inaczej
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tons of
I've got tons of homework to do.
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Chodzi o to,
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the point is
The Point is that you should go to the sleep earlier If you dont want to be tired all morning.
robić scene
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cause the scene
Matt girlfriend cause a scene when she so his ex text him
Nie robi się to bardziej przerażające niż Egzorcysta.
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It doesn't get more horrific than the Exorcist.
nie ma nic lepszego
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it doesn't get better than that
Getting your dream job right out of college and getting better then that
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Making friends from other countries has enriched my life experience.
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better off
after I broke up with my ex I realized that I was better off
podjedź samochodem np. pod restauracje
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pull the car around
orzechy szalony
inaczej crazy
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mieć pełne prawo do zrobienia czegoś
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to have every right to do something
As your teacher she has every right to decide if you are being disruptive and should leave the classroom
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disruptive (przym) disrupt (czasownik)
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disruptive (adj) disrupt (verb)
He disturbs other children and disrupts class.
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hold up
the tent was held up by ropes.
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na morzu, na powierzchni, na utrzymanie
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wiecie co?
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guess what?
absolutny zupełny kompletny
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utter (adj) (verb)
She dismissed the article as utter nonsense.
śmiercionośny, zabójczy
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deadly (adj adverb)
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oh I'm sorry she said her voice heavy with sarcasm
się przydać przydać sir
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come in handy
don't throw those jars away they might come in handy
Możesz przekazać?
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can you pass
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pull ups
Z jakiegokolwiek powodu
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for any reason
Drugie miejsce
second place differently
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Runner up
wait differently
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hang on!
hang on, I will be with you in the moment.
kufel piwa (ok. 0,5l), pół litra
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pint of beer
start differently
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w celu, aby
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in order to
I woke up early today in order to do exercise.
niby, jak gdyby
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kind of
siła mocne strony
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opposite weakness
Captain turn your greatest weakness into your greatest strength
nadzwyczajnie niesamowicue spotkać cię tutaj
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fancy meeting you here
radzić sobie z kimś
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to deal with somebody
I cannot deal with her right now.
nerka torebka
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fanny pack
Tak fantazyjne
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So fancy
wziąć sobie do serca
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take to heart
don't take it to heart he was only joking about your hair
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przemoc domowa
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domestic violence
znaleźć z kimś wspólny język
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find a common language with someone
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Więc czapki z głów
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So hat off
na mój znak
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on my mark
być surowym wobec kogoś
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be harsh with someone
może być widziane
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can be seen
alimenty na dziecko
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child support
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last will
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pocket money
Moja torba była za ciężka i musiałam ciągnąć ją po ścieżce.
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My bag was too heavy and I had to drag it along the path.
ubezpieczenie na życie
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life insurance
świrować, wkurzyć się
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freak out
please stop freaking out.
masz coś przeciwko?
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do you mind
do you mind if I open the window
hej to co zwykle
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hey the usual please
żywiciel rodziny
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samotny rodzic
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single parent
jak to pomaga
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how is that helping
jak możesz wiesz
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as you might know
Przepraszam, z kim chciałeś rozmawiać
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I'm sorry to whom did you wish to speak
o ile nie jest zbyt tłoczno, zostaniemy na obiad
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as long as it's not too crowded we will stay for dinner
1 condtionals
czy mogę ci pomóc nakryć do stołu
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can I help you set a table
Jimmy nakrywa do stołu
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Jimmy setting a table
czy mógłbyś podać chleb, proszę
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could you pass the bread please
proszę bardzo
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there you go
Emma smaruje masłem kawałek chleba
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Emma is buttering a piece of bread
jak gotować jajko
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how to poach an egg
poczekaj, aż woda się zagotuje
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wait until the water is simmering
rozsmaruj masło na grzance
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spread some butter on the toast
nazwa wlasna
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proper noun
pod warunkiem, że jest bezpłatny
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as long as it's free
nad zlewem znajdują się trzy szafki
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there are three cupboards above the sink
idź po to powinieneś to zrobic
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go for it
i to słowo utknęło we mnie
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and that's word stuck with me
przewijając kanały
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flipping through the channels
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flick through
aż do zobaczenia następnym razem
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until I see you next time
mieć pamięć jak sito
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have memory like a sieve
powinien był podwoić swój rozmiar
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it should have doubled in size
to znaczy, że powinien być dwa razy większy niż wcześniej
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that means it should be two times bigger than it was before
Minęło trochę czasu
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Its been a while
rzucić się do ucieczki
Na widok psa rzuciłam się do ucieczki.
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make a run for it
At the sight of the dog I made a run for it.
nie spiesz się
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don't rush
to nie było moim zamiarem
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it wasn't my intention
szklanka do połowy pełna
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a glass half-full
I'm a glass-half-full kind of guy.
dbajcie o siebie i o siebie nawzajem
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hang on to yourself
in my opinion differently
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the way I see it
nie zdawałem sobie sprawy
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didn't realize
bez urazy
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no hard feelings
wynoś się stąd
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get the fuck out of here
wszystko idzie dobrze
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things get fine
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prime minister
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1. the Cabinet 2. the government
głowa państwa
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head of state
(US) adwokat
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Jestem dziś po służbie.
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I am off duty today.
nieproduktywny sposób
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unproductive way
podziękujesz mi później
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you can thank me later
masz moje wsparcie
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you had my back
masz moje wsparcie
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you had my back
włóż cal wody
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put an Inch of water
gałka masła
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knob of butter
na małym ogniu
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over the low heat
wszystko to wchodzi
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all of it goes in
ubijamy naszą trzepaczką
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we are whisking with our whisk
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a saucepan
mieszając jednocześnie na bieżąco
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stirring as we go
potraktuj to jako pracę domową
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consider it homework
I want you to try this at home consider it homework.
wielkie kciuki w górę
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big thumbs up
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Nie obchodzi mnie to
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I don't give a fuck
Jest dość trudny do usunięcia, ponieważ jest tak mały.
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It is quite difficult to remove due to it being so small.
once you have decided you can't go back to a previous state
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there is no tourning back
Once you jump, there is no tourning back. You go all the way down.
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afternoon tea
otwieracz do puszek
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a can opener
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a spoon
czy mogę dostać menu?
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can I have a menu?
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a snack
co tam?
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what's up?
hey you seem sad Whats up?
czy mogę dać ci radę
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can I give you a piece of advice
dobrze wiedzieć
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good to know that
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a bill
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zarezerwować stolik
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to book a table
przepraszam, że przeszkadzam
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sorry to bother you
to było do przewidzenia tego można było się spodziewać
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that figures
lepiej żebyś
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you had better
Jestem za
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I'm all for it
Poradzę sobie ze wszystkim
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I can handle anything
Proszę bardzo
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Here you go
from the beginning
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from the top
nie powinno zająć dużo czasu
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shouldn't take long
co na tym jest
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what's on it?
co jeszcze mogliśmy powiedzieć?
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what else could we say?
czy robisz to sam
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do you make it yourself
zupełnie nowy poziom
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whole new level
wstydź się
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shame on you
spieprzyć to
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fuck this up
polite way screw this up
odpłacić komuś pięknym za nadobne
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get your own back on somebody
Jestem na kawie numer 5
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I'm on coffee number 5
na koszt firmy
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on the house
nawet nie kończ
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don't even finish
spójrzmy prawdzie w oczy
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let's face it
jak to możliwe
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how is this possible
zależy od ciebie
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depends on you
orzeł czy reszka?
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heads or tails?
zapamiętaj moje słowa
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mark my words
zostaw tak, jak jest
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leave it as it is
jeśli zajdzie potrzeba
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if needed
traf chciał
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luck wanted
co tu się dzieje?
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What is going on here?

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