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Domanda English Risposta English
natural person
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every human being
legal person
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an organisation or enterprise which has duties and obligations as natural person
legal capacity
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ability to enter into legal transactions
A person with full capacity to perform acts in law
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A person that meets requirements to enter into legal transactions
A person with no capacity to perform acts in law
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A child under 13 or a person deprived of the capacity by court because of illness
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A protection given to artist work
legal guard
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it can be a parent or a person appointed by court to represent sb in legal transaction
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A type of loan to buy real property and secured over this property
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an agreement reached out of court by parties in dispute
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in friendly way
immovable property
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land, buildings or other pernamental items
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A security over movable property
title deed
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A document proving an ownership
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A graphic sign, usually registered to distinguished products of one company from others
stem from
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to come from
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to bring a feeling, a memory or an image into your mind
ex officio
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when sb may act because of office
parental authority
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rights and obligations of parents
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general health, happiness and safety of a person
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easily hurt psychically and emotionally
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making sth invalid
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to find out true or correct information about sth
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to officially change a legal decision
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the state of being married
hit it off
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to like each other from the beginning
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trick sb into doing sth
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to decive extracurricular activities
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men's state of having never been married
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money paid to ex-spouse after the divorce
child support
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money paid to ex-spouse to maintain a child
marital property
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property got during marriage
prenuptial agreement
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agreement made by future spouses to decide what to do with thier property after a potential divorce
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legal right to look after child
legal custody
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A legal right to make important decisions about rising your child
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right of non-custodial parent to spend some time with a child
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claimant in divorce proceeding
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defendant in divorce proceeding
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judgment in divorce proceeding
child abuse
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psychical, emotional or sexual mistreatment of a child
take a child into care
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to look after a non-biological child
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A person that looks after a non-biological child
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A place of residence
probation officer
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an officer usually attached to a juvenile court and charged with care of juvenile delinquents
no-fault divorce
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divorce without attributing fault to either party
surrogate mother
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A woman that carries a baby for other parents
foster family
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non-biological family that looks after a child
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to have harmful effect on sth
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impossible to be resolved
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to live with sb together
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to convince
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to bring to the previous position
set sth forth
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to set sth out, to present sth
sprzeczne z
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contrary to sth
bez względu na
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regardless of sth, irrespective of sth
w odniesieniu do
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as regards, with respect, in respect of

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