Preply Sarah 3 describing things

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Domanda English Risposta English
it’s a place where we put in the dishes to clean them up
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– it’s a place where we keep our drugs in the toilet
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medicine cabinet
– it’s a place where we go to do a no. 1 or no. 2
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it’s a place similar to a bowl where we take a bath
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it’s similar to a beverage but we cannot drink it. It has a menthol flavour usually
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move something from one place to another and again to previous place; shaking
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swish it around
you have to open your mouth, uplift your head and try to show the way of boiling water
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lama do that very often
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type of line which is use to cleaning teeth
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thing which can separate you from other people when you are in a tub or protect bathroom against run over water from tub
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shower curtain
– the result of mixing water and soap; children like to having fun with that during bath
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lather up
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substance which you use to clean up your hair
activity which you use as one of the last thing during cleaning up your hair. Just before drying
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activity which providing to dispose of hair from man face
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– thing which you use to cut your hair from e.g. face or legs
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electric razor
substance which you put on your skin before shaving / cutting hair
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shaving cream
disposable blades
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manual thing which you use to shave your face/legs, you can use it just once

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