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Domanda Risposta
w młodym wieku
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at an early age
she got mareiws at an early age
być w nastroju
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be in the mood
być na służbie
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be on duty
rozumieć cos
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have an understanding of
w zamian za coś
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in exchange for sth
przejsc na diete
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go on a diet
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być w dobrych stosunkach
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on good terms
mieć zadyszkę
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out of breath
zakręt, łuk
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cierpieć na coś/ z powodu
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suffer from
pisemnie, na pismie
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in writing
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od teraz
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from now on
from now on, nobody will be allowed to go out during the test
za dnia, w ciagu dnia
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by day
it’s difficult to see the moon by day
ponad godzinę
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over an hour
zawieśc kogoś
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let somebody down
śmieszny, niedorzeczny, absurdalny
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out of fashion
odpowiadający za coś, nadzorujący coś
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in charge of sth
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by hand
made by hand
pojaiwac sie
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come into sight
rozdać coś
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hand out sth
przekazać(wladze, odpowiedzialnosc), przekazac sluchawke telefonu
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hand over
Uwaga zły pies
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beware of the dog
umrzeć z powodu czegoś
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die of sth
he died of a heart attack
przejść przez most
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walk accross the bridge
na ziemi
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on earth
uratować przed
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rescue from
he was rescued from the flood with the help of helicopters
być zaskoczonym czyms
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be surprised by sth sb

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