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Third time lucky.
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Do trzech razy sztuka.
to do sth with a view to sth/doing sth
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robić coś z myślą o czymś
in relation to sth
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odnośnie, w powiązaniu z czymś
Judging by the expression on his face...
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Sądząc po wyrazie jego twarzy...
to take sb up on one's offer/invitation
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skorzystać z oferty/zaproszenia
to take advantage of sb’s offer
to tempt sb into doing sth
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zachęcać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
to persuade/convince sb to do sth
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namówić kogoś do czegoś, przekonać
to sway sb into doing sth
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przekonać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
to chuckle to oneself, to give a chuckle
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zachichotać do siebie
to groan about sth
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jęczeć z powodu czegoś
to grunt
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to squeal
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In the absence of any real evidence, the case had to be dropped.
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Przez brak dowodów sprawa musiała być zamknięta.
to suffer from want of sth
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to suffer from luck of sth
to outdo sb/oneself
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przewyższyć, prześcignąć / przejść samego siebie
to excel (in sth)
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przodować, być najlepszym
to excel oneself
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przejść samego siebie
to outweigh sth
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mieć większe znaczenie, przeważać
to overdo
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przesadzać; przegotować, przesmażyć
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wymięty, zgnieciony
condensed (milk, soup, version of a story)
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skondensowany, zwarty, zagęszczony
to compress many clothes into a bag
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ugnieść dużo ubrań w torbie
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akcjonariusz, udziałowiec
to be in attendance at sth
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być obecnym
to be in attendance on sb
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zajmować się kimś
to resort to threats
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uciec się do gróźb
to come over to sb as...
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to be perceived as, to come across
She couldn’t concentrate because her personal problems were uppermost in her mind.
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Nie mogła się skupić, ponieważ jej problemy były dla niej najważniejsze.
principal rule, character in a book, reason
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zasadniczy, najważniejszy
to feel superior to sb
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czuć się lepszym od kogoś
Keep it up!
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to remedy sth (problem, situation, mistake)
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to fix, improve
to be modelled on sth
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wzorowany na czymś
to mould
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formować, kształtować
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to pity sb
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to sympathise with sb/to commiserate with sb
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współczuć komuś
to inquire into sth
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dociekać czegoś
It hit me that...
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Doszło do mnie, że...
to behave confidently vs. to act confidently
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natural vs. not natural
to glance at sb/in sb’s direction
to take/throw a glance at sb
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spoglądać, zerkać
at first glance
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na pierwszy rzut oka
at a glance
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to glimpse
to catch a glimpse of sb/sth
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zobaczyć przelotnie; zrozumieć
to squint
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zmrużone oczy; zezować
cross-eyes, squint
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to show little regard for the feelings of others
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nie brać pod uwagę uczuć innych
deficiency/shortcomings in sth; deficient in sth
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niedobór, braki
shortage of water, water scarcity
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niedobór wody
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a little problem
to date back to the year...
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sięgać roku...
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to cultivate
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uprawiać, hodować; rozwijać; podtrzymywać
packed with sth
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packed full of sth
a low calorie count
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niski stopień kalorii
It was an impressive building but it wasn’t to my taste.
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Impressive though/as the building was, it wasn’t to my taste.
to assume incorrectly that...
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to make the incorrect assumption that...
to hold the same opinions as sb
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mieć taką samą opinię
It is more than likely that...
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bardzo prawdopodobne
to have an excellent/a very good chance of...
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mieć dużą szansę...
to conceal one's dislike for sb
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ukrywać niechęć do kogoś
in place of sb/sth
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zamiast, w miejsce
to place sb in charge of sth
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czynić kogoś odpowiedzialnym za coś
The accident blocked the road, with the result that a long queue of traffic built up.
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Wypadek zablokował drogę i w rezultacie powstał długi korek.
The chances are that...
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The chances are slim that...
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Marne szanse że...
There is no such adress as the one I sent the parcel to.
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paczka pocztowa
She writes notes on everything that is said in the meetings.
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She keeps a record of everything that is said in the meetings.
When I realised...
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The realisation of... / When I came to the realisation...
to impress sth (up)on sb / to impress on sb that...
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uzmysłowić coś komuś
to be inclined to do sth
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