przyimki (prepositions) 2

 0    13 schede    jaroslawpstawiarski
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przyjechać do Paryża / do Francji
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arrive in Paris / in France
przyjechać na stację / do hotelu
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arrive at the station / at the hotel hotel
czekać na kogoś
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wait for someone
zależeć od
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depend on
It depends on the weather.
słuchać czegoś / kogoś
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listen to something / someone
Please, listen to me.
poprosić o coś
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ask for something
I asked for coffee, not tea.
zapłacić za
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pay for
wydawać (pieniądze) na
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spend money on
She spends too much money on clothes.
martwić się czymś (o coś)
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worry about (something)
Don't worry about this stituation.
wierzyć w coś / kogoś
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believe in
They don't believe in him.
należeć do (kogoś)
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belong to (someone)
Does this phone belong to you?
zaprosić na / do
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invite to
zgadzać się z kimś
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agree with somebody
I don't agree with you.

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