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Where am I from?
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Skąd jestem?
Where are you from
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Skąd jesteś
Where is the light?
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Gdzie jest światło?
Is the book under the chair?
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Czy książka jest pod krzesłem?
Where is your bag?
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Gdzie jest twoja torba?
Where is London?
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Gdzie jest Londyn?
Is a mouse small?
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Czy mysz jest mała?
Is the board black or white?
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Czy tablica jest czarna czy biała?
Is the floor clean?
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Czy podłoga jest czysta?
Is there a teacher in the classroom?
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Czy w klasie jest nauczyciel?
Are there books in your bag?
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Masz w torbie książki?
How many students are there in the classroom?
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Ilu uczniów jest w klasie?
How many chairs are there in the classroom?
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Ile krzeseł jest w klasie?
How many doors are there in the classroom?
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Ile drzwi jest w klasie?
How many days are there in a week?
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Ile dni ma tydzień?
What are the days of the week?
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Jakie sa dni tygodnia?
What day is it today?
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Jaki dziś jest dzień?
Is Friday before Saturday?
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Czy piątek jest przed sobotą?
Which letter is between A and C?
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Która litera jest między A i C?
Who are you?
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Kim jesteś?
Who is in the classroom today?
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Kto jest dzisiaj w klasie?
Is it June now?
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Czy teraz jest czerwiec?
What are the four seasons?
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Jakie są cztery pory roku?
Which season is it now?
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Który to teraz sezon?
What is the last month of the year?
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Jaki jest ostatni miesiąc roku?
How many seconds are there in one minute?
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Ile sekund ma jedna minuta?
What time is it?
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Która godzina?
What colour is your chair?
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Jakiego koloru jest twoje krzesło?
Are the walls blue?
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Czy ściany są niebieskie?
What colour are your eyes?
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Jakiego koloru są twoje oczy?
My book is here. Where is your book?
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Moja książka jest tutaj. Gdzie jest twoja książka?
Where is the window?
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Gdzie jest okno?
Are you a person or a thing?
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Jesteś osobą czy rzeczą?
What is the plural of man?
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Jaka jest liczba mnoga człowieka?
What is your mother’s name?
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Jak się nazywa twoja matka?
How old are you?
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Ile masz lat?
What is the plural of child?
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Jaka jest liczba mnoga dziecka?
Are we adults?
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Czy jesteśmy dorośli?
About how old am I?
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Mniej więcej ile mam lat?
About how old is he/she?
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Ile on/ona ma lat?
Where is London?
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Gdzie jest Londyn?
Do you have an umbrella?
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Masz parasol?
Do we have chairs?
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Czy mamy krzesła?
Do you have black or brown hair?
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Masz czarne lub brązowe włosy?
Do you have blue or brown eyes?
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Masz niebieskie czy brązowe oczy?
Does she have a bag?
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Czy ona ma torbę?
Does the classroom have four walls?
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Czy klasa ma cztery ściany?
Does he/she have long or short hair?
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Czy on/ona ma długie czy krótkie włosy?
What colour hair does he/she have?
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Jakiego koloru włosy on/ona ma?
Does your house/flat have a garden?
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Czy Twój dom/mieszkanie ma ogród?
Are you at home?
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Jesteś w domu?
Do you have a swimming pool at home?
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Masz basen w domu?
Do you have a television at home?
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Masz w domu telewizor?
Do you have a car?
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Czy masz samochód?
Do you have brothers and sisters?
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Czy masz braci i siostry?
Do you have a telephone in your bag?
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Masz telefon w torbie?
Do I have a job?
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Czy mam pracę?
What do I use in the classroom?
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Czego używam na zajęciach?
What does a secretary use in her job?
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Czego sekretarka używa w swojej pracy?

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