Questions, Answers

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What do you think?
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Co o tym sądzisz?
How do you feel about that?
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Jak się z tym czujesz?
So what do you reckon?
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No i co sądzisz?
Take a guess.
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Not sure, but it could be...
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Nie jestem pewien, ale może być...
Could be anything, but I’m going for...
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Może to być cokolwiek, ale wybieram...
I suppose it’ll be...
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Przypuszczam, że to będzie...
I guess it must be...
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Myślę, że to musi być...
Well if you ask me, I’d say it’s...
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Jeśli mnie pytasz, powiedziałbym, że to...
From my point of view it’s...
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Z mojego punktu widzenia jest to...
I’m quite certain it’s...
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Jestem pewien, że to...
In my opinion it has got to be...
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Moim zdaniem musi to być...
As far as I’m concerned it’s...
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Jeśli o mnie chodzi, to...
I’m positive that it’s...
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Jestem pewien, że to...
It’s obviously...
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To oczywiście...
I’ve no doubt at all that it’s...
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Nie mam wątpliwości, że to...

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