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contemporary Polish
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współczesny Polak
settle down
Do you want to settle down with me?
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ustatkować się
crave comfort/privacy
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pragną komfortu/prywatności
live out something
he has finally had the chance to live out his dreams/fantasies.
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przeżyć coś, wypełniać swoje marzenia
decent wages
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przyzwoite zarobki
beauty spots
a place known for its beautiful scenery. a small natural or artificial mark such as a mole on a woman's face, considered to enhance her attractiveness.
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punkty widokowe; piperzyk
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be up for something
I want to work here. I'm up for it. Are you up for some clubbing tonight
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być gotowym na coś; mieć na coś ochotę
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Don’t bother me! Don' t do anything to disturb me; leave me alone.
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zawracać głowę
go beyond the box
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wyjść poza pole
Your Gmail is out of storage
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W Twoim Gmailu skończyło się miejsce

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