reading unit 4

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to have been made in or to have come into being in (a certain time in the past)
elaborate on
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to give more details about something
indulge in
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to let yourself do or have something that you enjoy, especially something that is considered bad for you
lay on (a meal)
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to provide food, entertainment etc
mess up
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to make a mistake and do something badly
pass on something
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to refuse an opportunity or decide not to take part in something
ply someone with
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to give someone large amounts of food or drink
rustle up something
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to make something quickly, especially a meal
set someone back
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(of a purchase) cost someone a particular amount of money
stave off
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to keep someone or something from reaching you or affecting you for a period of time
stay over
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(of a guest or visitor) sleep somewhere, especially at someone's home, for the night
switch off
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to relax for a short time
tide someone over
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to help someone through a difficult period, especially by lending them money
warm up
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to perform or speak first at an event, so that the people listening are relaxed or excited before the main singer, speaker etc comes on
wash something down with
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to drink something with food or medicine
work up (an appetite)
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to make yourself hungry
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the amount of acid in a substance
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a region of the earth's surface and the particular combination of climate, plants, and animals that are found in it
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a connection between two ideas, facts etc, especially when one may be the cause of the other
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a number of related events that happen again and again in the same order
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if an animal grazes, or if you graze it, it eats grass that is growing
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the time when crops are gathered from the fields, or the act of gathering them
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the distance north or south of the equator (=the imaginary line around the middle of the world), measured in degrees
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the way you earn money in order to live
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animals such as cows and sheep that are kept on a farm
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a small animal or insect that destroys crops or food supplies
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to damage something very badly
seasonal shift
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the change in the normal cycle of seasons
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to become very successful or very strong and healthy
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used for saying that the weather is warmer, colder etc than usual at a particular time of year
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an area of land that is partly covered with water, or is wet most of the time
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listening to or watching someone carefully because you are interested
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an argument etc that makes you feel certain that something is true or that you must do something about it
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needing to be dealt with carefully or sensitively in order to avoid problems or failure
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having a special quality, character or appearance that is different and easy to recognise
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having a great influence or effect
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having a regular pattern of shapes and lines
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the treatment of illness using natural powers or prayer rather than medicine
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not based on clear thought or reason
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a person or vehicle that is stranded is unable to move from the place where they are
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grateful and glad about something that has happened, especially because without it the situation would be much worse
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a viable idea, plan, or method can work successfully
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the things you own, especially things that you can carry with you
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the distance from one side of something to the other
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the length, height, width, depth, or diameter of something
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an attempt to do something new or difficult
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the amount by which a number, value, or amount increases
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a clear understanding of something or part of something, especially a complicated situation or idea
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when people have money and everything that is needed for a good life
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something that you do regularly and in the same way each time
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to learn something
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to admit that something is true or correct, although you wish it were not true
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to tell someone what they must do or how they must behave
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to find which way you need to go when you are travelling from one place to another
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to make a definite decision to do something
a bit of a thing
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something recognised as an element of life
all doom and gloom
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characterised by negativity or futility
be at stake
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if something that you value very much is at stake, you will lose it if a plan or action is not successful
dead to the world
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sleeping very deeply
follow a pattern
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to continue to happen or develop in a particular way, especially in a way that is expected
have the guts to
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to have enough courage, conviction, or resolve to do something
off the beaten track
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in a place where few people go, far from any main roads and towns
on the brink (of)
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if you are on the brink of something, usually something important, terrible, or exciting, you are just about to do it or experience it
strike a good balance
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to give the right amount of importance to two different things
swallow your pride
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to decide to do something although it will make you feel embarrassed or ashamed
talking in terms of
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speaking with respect to a certain context
those in the know
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those who have more information about something than most people
understand the bigger picture
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to understand the most important facts about a situation and the effects of that situation on other things
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the quality of being advisable or sensible; wisdom
congestion charge
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an amount of money that you have to pay each day to drive into a city centre, charged in order to reduce traffic
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if something that you try to do is hopeless, there is no possibility of it being successful
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worthless or not likely to have any useful result
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giving help or encouragement, especially to someone who is in a difficult situation
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useful and helpful, or likely to produce good results
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something that is worthless has no value, importance, or use
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extremely valuable
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showing great courage or confidence in a way that is impressive or slightly shocking
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using too many words
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continuing for a long time, often too long
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to understand new or difficult information after thinking about it
case in point
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an instance or example that illustrates what is being discussed
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a disused building, railway, mine etc is no longer used
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designed for or used by people who have a lot of money
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a short story based on your personal experience
slop about
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to relax, wearing clothes that are untidy or old
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to exhibit; display
(be) of great benefit
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to be beneficial to someone or something
gobble down
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to eat something very quickly, especially in an impolite or greedy way
pick at
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to eat only a small amount of food because you are not hungry or do not like the food
plump for
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to choose something after thinking carefully about it
polish off
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to quickly eat or finish all of something
wean off
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to help someone to gradually stop doing or having something

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