Reflexive pronouns

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He takes care of himself.
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On dba o siebie.
I don't like being home by myself.
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Nie lubię być sama w domu.
I go to work by myself.
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Sama idę do pracy.
Let's take a picture of ourselves.
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Zróbmy sobie zdjęcie.
Do you go to the cinema by yourself?
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Czy chodzisz sam do kina?
Every two months I go to the cinema by myself.
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Co dwa miesiące chodzę sama do kina.
Do you ever get angry at yourself?
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Czy zdarza Ci się złościć na siebie?
Szymon doesn't go to school by himself.
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Szymon nie chodzi sam do szkoły.
Look at yourself! You have tomato sause on your shirt.
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Spójrz na siebie! Masz sos pomidorowy na koszuli.
They built a house for themselves.
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Zbudowali dla siebie dom.

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