Romuald 6

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oh no! I know you know she knows my nose
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o nie! Wiem, że wiesz, że zna mój nos
an owl
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Sowa/ en eul
warm worm
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ciepły robak/ łorm łerm
a warm worm is worth eating
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ciepłego robaka warto jeść/ a łorm łerm łeerf
there = their/ deer
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tam = ich
Londyn/ landen
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Londyn / landen
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poza tym/oprócz
English / ynglysz
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England/ yngland
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for little money
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za małe pieniądze
a little
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to be lucky = always
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być szczęściarzem
to be in luck = just once
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mieć szczęście/ pofarcić się
two million
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dwa miliony
millions of people
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miliony ludzi
billion/ bylien
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the old/ di ould
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stary / di ould
the book/ de
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the ze spółgłoską
the old book/ di ould
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the z samogłoską
an old own/ en ould ełn
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stara własność
to be pleased
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być zadowolony
to please somebody
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zadowalać kogoś
laugh/ laf
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love/ law
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Shall I wrap it for you?
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Czy mam ją owinąć?
I like that painting myself.
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Ja sama lubię to malarstwo.
I'm certain
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Jestem pewien,
It must be
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to musi być/z pewnością jest
I'm almost certain
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Jestem prawie pewna
I think it's possible
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Myślę, że to możliwe
It could be
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to bardziej prawdopodobne
It may be
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to może być
I think it's possible = It might be (little less possible than "may")
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Myślę, że to możliwe
I think it's nearly impossible = It cant be
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Myślę, że to prawie niemożliwe = Nie może być

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