Rooms in the house in Swedish

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rooms in the house
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rum i huset
living room
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vardagsrum (n.)
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sovrum (n.)
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badrum (n.)
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kök (n.)
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hall (u.)
dining room
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matsal (u.)
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trädgård (u.)
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källare (u.)
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trappa (u.)
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balkong (u.)

Rooms in the house in Swedish

Develop your vocabulary in Swedish and start with Rooms in the house! VocApp uses the multisensory flashcards to teach you Rooms in the house in Swedish in the shortest time possible! Audio recordings let you get the pronunciation of the word, and images will get Rooms in the house in Swedish into one's head for good! Did you know the spelling of Rooms in the house in Swedish too? You will get the answer in our lesson Rooms in the house in Swedish and get to know other wordsin Swedish!

Motivation to study Swedish

There are many reasons to learn Swedish language! Studying Swedish will provide you with access to various books, movies or even memes, created in Swedish. If that's not enough for you, think about it as a challenge or Learning a new language is not so common. You could reach a admirable result "almost" alone!

How to learn Swedish fast

The VocApp team has prepared for you a lesson on Rooms in the house in Swedish in the form of a list of flashcards. It is proven that the best way to learn foreign languages is to learn vocabulary topic by topic. Thus, you should definitely try out our lessons on Swedish. They cover a tremendous amount of Swedish vocabulary! If you learn with us, you can be sure you will not forget the learned Swedish vocabulary! Our Spaced Repetition Algorithm will take care of that by scheduling study time in the most effective way!

Learn Swedish fast and efficiently!

Save time thanks to the VocApp Spaced Repetition System! It will expand your active vocabulary in the most time-saving way! You can also improve your pronunciation in Swedish with our audio recordings!

Swedish flashcards that may interest you!

The lesson on Rooms in the house in Swedish is just a little study aid. If you are interested in professional language courses, we suggest you to take a look at our offer on Swedish language courses. If youprefer short lessons on Swedish, try out our other flashcards.

Flashcards will make you easily build up your vocabulary and Swedish skills.

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