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formularz zgłoszeniowy
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an application form
Your CV should be accompanied by the application form.
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to assure
I assure you that we will not hasitate to intervene if needed
przeszłość pochodzenie
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we need to know more about już background before we hire him
krytykować obmawiać
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Stop bad-mouthing him all the time!
być idealnym na jakieś stanowisko
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be a good fit for a position
do you know someone who might be a good fit for the position?
być przedmiotem ogromnego zainteresowania
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be of great interest
The political scene in Ukraine is of great interest these days
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a candidate
The chosen candidate for the position will be contacted next week
cele zawodowe
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career goals
your prospective employeer may ask you to state career goals
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their salaries are comparable with those of other managers
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a competition
My son won his school high - jump competition
mieć wkład w, przyczyniać się do
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contribute to
Many workers have contributed to the team's success
list motywacyjny
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covering letter
please send your CV and covering letter to the address above.
obecna praca, obecne stanowisko
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current job, current position
I don't want to leave my current position abruptly without letting my supervisor know.
CV (życiorys)
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please bring a copy of your resume to the job interview
radzić sobie
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deal with
Jake needs to learn how deal with his anger at work.
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to attach
Just attach files in order and click the button
załączyć do
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enclose with
please enclose covering letter with your application form
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do you have any experience in sales?
dodatkowe zajecia
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extracurricular activities
Raul took on too many extracurricular activities
znający, zaznajomiony z
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knowing, familiar with
I'm not familiar with the newly installed security system.
zobowiązania rodzinne
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family commitments
I have decided not to accept the promotion due to family commitments
obsadzić wakat
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fill the vacancy
We are looking for right candidate to fill the vacancy.
dobrze się z kimś rozumieć
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get along
We get along, but we are not really close friends
wyjść ponad wymagane standardy
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go the extra mile
Tom is always ready to go the extra mile
radzić sobie z presją
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handle pressure
Tom lost his job because he couldn't handle pressure
łowca głów
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a headhunter
A headhunter offered Jeff an interesting job in marketing
skłonny do
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inclined to
He is inclined to make and receive personal calls at work
dowiadywać się, wypytywać
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inquire about
I would like to inquire about the secretarial position advertised on your career portal
zakres obowiązków
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job description
Don't sign a contract until you've given a full job desciption.
rozmowa kwalifikacyjna
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job interview
I have a job interview in Amsterdam on Monday
list polecający
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letter of reference
Please provide letter od reference im your CV
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Bree is always carrying around her to-do list
badanie lekarskie
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medical examination
A medical examination is necessery for all aplicants
dotrzymywać terminów
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to meet deadlines
I'va been working under a lot of pressure recently in order to meet the deadline.
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The job requires multitasking.
wolna posada
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open position
The position od senior brand manager has opened up following susan's resignation
przedstawić w skrócie czyjeś doświadczenie
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outline one's experience
During the interview I was asked to outline my experience
dokładne/szczegółowe dane
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This form contains the particulars od the person in question
rekrutacja personelu
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personnel recruitment
Our personnel recruitment procedure Has four stages
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This advertisement agency Has a really impresive portfolio
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I have been offered a teaching post abroad.
poprzednia praca
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previous job
During a job interview recruiters often Ask job seekers about their previous job.
być dumnym z czegoś
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pride oneself on
We pride ourselves on always being punctual
przed czymś
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prior to
All the arragements should be completed prior to your departure

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