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Większość; wiek pełnoletni
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We hire less than 100 employees, the majority of whom are in Iraq. Majority doesn't give you wisdom nor experience.
Porozumienie, ugoda, zgoda
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Z pewnością, na pewno, zdecydowanie. Oczywiście!
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Well, it certainly wasn't an easy question. This house was certainly built over 100 years ago. May I go to the restroom?" "Certainly
Być zdolnym do czegoś
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Be capable of
When they discover my escape they will be capable of anything! He probably lied to her. He's certainly capable of it.
celowo, umyślnie, specjalnie
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on purpose
You did that on purpose! Was it an accident or did he do it on purpose?
pośród, wsród
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spotkanie, kontakt, zetknięcie
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I remember my first encounter with a smartphone.
zasmucony, zmartwiony, w złym humorze
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What's the matter, Jane? You look a bit upset.
przed czasem
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ahead of time
They had the whole thing planned ahead of time. It won't be a surprise if you tell me about it ahead of time.
dlatego też, to dlatego, stąd też
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that's why; that is why
And that's why I don't listen to rumors
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I will take all accountability for our failure on me.
oddalone, od siebie, osobno
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Our houses are 400 metres apart
zdezorientowany, zmieszany
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I'm sorry, I'm confused, could you repeat that?
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I'm not sure whether she knows about it or not.
jakby; jak gdyby
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as if
He's 20 years old but looks as if he was 40.
jeśli nie; dopóki nie; chyba że
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Unless you hurry, we will be late. Unless Jack gets tired, we'll carry on. I won't tell him unless he asks me.
w cale, zupełnie, w ogóle
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at all
The situation hasn't improved at all. It doesn't matter at all.
nie ma za co
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Not at all
Thank you for your help!" "Not at all
na wypadek gdyby
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in case
pod warunkiem, że
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provided that
He can stay as long as he wants, provided that he pays.
pomimo, że; chociaż, mimo, że
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although; even though
Even though taxes went up, people didn't protest. I'm not tired even though it's late. Although it's a nice day, I will stay at home. Let me ask a question, although I think everyone knows the answer
dlatego też, zatem
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She wanted to buy a computer; therefore, she saved everything she earned.
jednak, jednakże, aczkolwiek, natomiast
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This is easy to do. However, there are catches. However you look at it, it's a bad thing.
mimo, pomimo
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in spite of; despite
Despite her troubles, she passed all exams. Despite the distance, I visit them every week. They travel abroad every year in spite of the cost. She smiled in spite of herself
poza tym, ponadto, oprócz
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It's too late, besides, I'm sleepy. Besides working full-time, I am also a student. I don't do any exercise besides walking.
podczas, podczas gdy, pomimo, że
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while, whilst
Someone broke into their house while they were sleeping. He didn't offer us anything to eat while he knew that we were really hungry.
podczas gdy, natomiast
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She likes pizza whereas I love tomato soup. I have to work hard whereas you are sitting at home.
gdyby nie to, że...
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if it weren't for that...
If it weren't for that mirror in bathtub, we would have never even made eye contact. I'd be fine if it weren't for that noise.
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instead of
pilny, palący, naglący
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urgent, imperative
As a result, it is often imperative to work quickly.
przeoczyć; przymknąć oko na coś; wznosić się; przeglądać
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to overlook
żeby, po to, aby
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so that
I save so that I can buy a car.
ponad miarę, bez umiaru
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Today's video games seem to me to be excessively violent.
pełen przemocy, agresywny
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Don't let him play violent computer games. He is a violent and unapproachable person.
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contrary; opposite
If I do something, he always has to do the contrary
oskarżyć kogoś o coś
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charge with
Police charged me with commiting serious crime.
jeśli chodzi o; odnośnie
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As regards, regarding
I would like to speak to you regarding your behaviour
poruszać (temat)
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bring up
Don't bring up that subject in his presence.
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I'm going to sit here for a while.
powyżej (jakiejść liczby)
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above zero
powyżej, nad czymś; ponad
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above, over
The picture hangs above the sofa.
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under, below
You can buy it if it's under $100. Do you often have temperatures below zero?
na arenie międzynarodowej, na całym świecie
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internationally, (all over the world)
The Hospital is known internationally for its cancer research programme.
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The same principle could be utilized again, to a different end.
wyraźnie, w czytelny sposób, jasno
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I can hear the radio play very clearly. She clearly presented her arguments. I can't think clearly when I have so much to do
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Ten participants decided not to take part in the competition.
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fire extinguisher
I've got a fire extinguisher in my house, just in case.
kontynuować, robić dalej
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carry on
I'm sorry I've interrupted you - please carry on. She told me to carry on with my studies.
popełnić, dopuścić się
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to commit
They will arrest you if you commit a crime. He committed four murders and didn't feel guilty.
zapobiegać, unikać
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You can't avoid paying taxes - they'll arrest you.
wystarczający, dostateczny
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We have sufficient amount of water for several days. Of course, in his case, a single day would be more than sufficient.
stać w kolejce, kolejkować, kolejka w sklepie
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I hate having to queue up.
dowiadywać się
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find out
To find out more, visit our website.
w rezultacie, w efekcie
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as a result
zbliżać się
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to approach
The soldiers are approaching the enemy.
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Poirot was in his most unapproachable mood.
żeby coś zrobić
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in order to do something
It may become necessary in order to save your life.
być pod wpływem leków, narkotyków
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be on drugs
We had no reason to think he was on drugs.

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