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Domanda Risposta
uczęszczać na zajęcia / lekcje
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to attend courses /to attend lessons
być nieobecnym na
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to be absent from
zapisać się do / zapisać się na
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to enrol on/to enrol for
skończyć (szkołę)
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to graduate from
rzucić (szkołę)
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to drop out of
chodzić na wagary
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to play truant
być wyrzuconym ze szkoły
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to be expelled from
zostać za karę po lekcjach
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to be put in detention
wziąć rok wolny (po szkole)
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to take a gap year
wykazywać zainteresowanie
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to take an interest in
wykazywać brak zainteresowania
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to take no interest in
zwracać uwagę na
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to pay attention to
sprawdzić w słowniku
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to look up
odnosić sukces w
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to succeed in
nie dawać sobie rady z
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to fail to
nadrobić zaległości
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to catch up with
pozostać w tyle
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to fall behind
zgłaszać się (podnosić rękę)
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to put up a hand
koncentrować się na
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to concentrate on
być zajętym
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to be occupied with
radzić sobie z
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to cope with
być znudzonym
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to be bored with
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to copy / to cheat
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to cram
dowiadywać się o
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to inquire about
być w stanie to
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be capable of
być zaznajomionym z
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to be acquainted with
zadać coś jako pracę domową
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to set sth for homework
mieć łatwość do języków
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to pick up languages
dostać świadectwo to
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be given a certificate
sprawdzić w słowniku
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to look up
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to economise
kontrolować wydatki
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to control expenses
oprzeć się pokusie
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to resist temptation
kupować hurtowo
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to buy in bulk
szukać obniżek
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to look for reductions; to look for discounts
szukać okazji to look for bargains; to look for special offers
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look for opportunities to look for bargains; to look for special offers
kupować większe opakowania
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to buy economy-size packets
opóźniać płacenie rachunków
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to delay payment of bills
jeździć na wakacje poza sezonem
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to take holidays out of season
kupować używane ubrania
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to buy second-hand clothes
używać telefonu poza szczytem
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to use the phone off-peak
dojść do porozumienia
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to reach an agreement, It doesn’t look like they will reach an agreement soon.
zrealizować ambicje
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to fulfil an ambition; I couldn’t say if they will be strong enough to fulfil their ambition.
osiągnąć sukces
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to achieve success; I’m not sure whether they will manage to achieve success.
dać radę to
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succeed in; I might be wrong but they may not succeed in closing the deal.
powieść się (o planach)
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to come off; It is doubtful whether their plans will ever come off.
upaść (o planach)
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to fall flat; I might be mistaken but these plans are likely to fall flat fast.
osiągnąć cel
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to reach the target; It is far from certain whether he will reach the target as soon as he thinks.
osiągnąć kompromis
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to reach a compromise; I have doubts whether it’ll be possible for them to reach a compromise.
wywiązać się ze zobowiązania
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to fulfil an obligation; It is not so certain whether she will fulfill her obligation.
mieć kłopoty z
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to have trouble with; I may not be right but we can have trouble with realising this project.
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accession; Poland’s accession to the EU took place in 2004.
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to ratify; The European Union is a federation of countries which ratified the Maastricht Treaty.
zmierzać do
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to aim at; The EU aims at the economic and political integration of its member states.
pozbyć się
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to get rid of; The EU tries to get rid of all discrimination based on nationality.
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to hold the presidency; The presidency of the European Council is currently held by Portugal.
zniesienie granic
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annulment of borders; The annulment of borders means ease of travel for citizens of member states.
otworzyć dostęp do
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open up access to; EU actions are designed to open up access to learning opportunities.
równe szanse
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equal opportunities; Several programmes promote equal opportunities in all sectors of education.
być oficjalną siedzibą
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to be an official seat; Strasbourg is the official seat of the European Parliament.
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to negotiate; Many countries were negotiating the conditions under which they would adopt a common currency.
szukać rozwiązań
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to search for solutions; In Brussels, politicians search for solutions to maintain peace in Europe.
uchwalać prawa
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to pass laws; It’s difficult to pass laws that will satisfy the needs of all nations within the EU.
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to intervene; The EU had to intervene against the controversial plans to build a highway through the Rospuda river valley.
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-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
być przyczyną
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to be the reason for; Spreading anthrax spores in letters was the reason for the panic.
być przyczyną
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to be the cause of; Intolerance is the cause of conflicts on a global scale.
w rezultacie
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as a result; Innocent civilians die as a result of suicidal attacks.
być spowodowanym
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to be due to; The lower birth-rate in Europe is due to the break-up of the family.
wynikać z
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to stem from; Extreme weather conditions stem from climatic changes.
w konsekwencji
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as a consequence; Thousands of people died as a consequence of the attack on WTC.
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to give rise to; Local fights gave rise to a civil war.
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to bring about; Urbanisation brings about damage to the environment.
i dlatego
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therefore; The economic gap can lead to conflicts; therefore, we must limit it.
w przeciwnym wypadku
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otherwise; We should ban ivory trade; otherwise elephants will become extinct.
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to clatter; The tray slipped and clattered to the floor.
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to bang; He banged his fist on the table. 16
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to creak; The floorboards creaked as he walked.
Dzwonić, brzęczeć
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to jingle; His car keys jingled in his pocket.
grzechotać, klekotać
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to rattle; The wind was rattling the windows.
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to rumble; They could hear thunder rumbling in the distance.
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to rustle; Fallen leaves rustled at his feet as he walked.
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to squeak; There was a knock and the door squeaked open.
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to screech; The tyres screeched as the car accelerated.
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to wail; The ambulance overtook us with sirens wailing.
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to tick; The old clock was ticking rhythmically.
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to buzz; I couldn’t stand the TV buzzing all day long.
wybijać godzinę
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to chime; The clock on the wall chimed ten.
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to slam; He slammed the door as he left.
klasnąć, uderzyć
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to slap; She raised her hand and slapped him across the face.
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to whistle; Bullets were whistling above our heads.
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to thud; The waves were thudding against the side of our ship.
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to sizzle; A piece of bacon was sizzling on a frying pan.
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to plop; A frog plopped back into the pond.
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to pop; At midnight we could hear champagne corks popping.
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to click; The little boy clicked his fingers.
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to drip; The dripping tap kept us awake all night.
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to patter; I listened to the raindrops pattering on my windowsill.
ziemia kręci się
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the earth rotates
koła kręcą się
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wheels spin
drzwi przesuwają się
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a door slides
burza słabnie
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a storm subsides
kolory blakną
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colours fade
budzik dzwoni
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an alarm clock goes off
ciasto rośnie
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a cake rises
galaretka trzęsie się
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a jelly wobbles
liście spadają
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leaves fall
liście czerwienieją l
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eaves turn red
fala nadchodzi
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a tide comes in
metale rdzewieją
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metals rust
krew krzepnie
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blood congeals
woda paruje
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water evaporates
ciecze zamarzają
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liquids freeze
rzeka wije się
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a river meanders
guma gnie się
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rubber bends
piórko unosi się na wodzie
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a feather floats on water
sok rozlewa się
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juice spills
lód topi się
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ice melts
śnieg topnieje
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snow thaws
ściana pęka
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a wall cracks
sufit przecieka
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ceiling leaks
piłka skacze
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a ball bounces
wahadło waha się
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a pendulum swings
struna drga
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a string vibrates
mechanizm rozpada się
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a mechanism falls apart
pożar rozprzestrzenia się
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a fire spreads
woda rozpryskuje się
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water splashes
usytuowany w
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situated in /located in / set in
na przedmieściach
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in the suburbs
na obrzeżach
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on the outskirts
w centrum
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in the heart of /in the centre of
blisko -close to
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close -close it
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od far away from
w przybliżeniu
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w zasięgu
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within easy reach of/ within walkingdistance
rzut kamieniem od
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a stone’s throw from
pół godziny piechotą
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half-an-hour’s walk
w połowie drogi pomiędzy
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mid-way between
u ujścia rzeki
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near the mouth of the river
na brzegu rzeki
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on the bank of the river
na zboczach
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on the slopes
u podnóża
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at the foot of
na szczycie
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at the top of
leżeć na
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to lie on
rozciągać się
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to stretch
rozpościerać się
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to extend
pokrywać obszar
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to cover the area
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to include
wić się pomiędzy
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to wind through
rozrastać się (o mieście)
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to sprawl out
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to separate (sth from sth)
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to surround
prowadzić do
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to lead to
graniczyć z
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to border sth
grać w tenisa na korcie
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to play tennis on a tennis court
grać w piłkę nożną na boisku
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to play football on a football pitch / to play football on a football ground
pojechać na narty z profesjonalną parą nart, butów, kijków i gogli
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to go skiing with professional
skis, ski boots, ski poles and goggles
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skis, ski boots, ski poles and goggles
biegać na bieżni
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to go running along a running track
pływać w kamizelce ratunkowej
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to go swimming with a life-jacket
uderzyć piłkę kijem do golfa na polu golfowym
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to hit a golf ball with a club on a golf course
jeździć na deskorolce
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to go skateboarding
jeździć na rolkach
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to go rollerblading / to go rollerskating
jeździć na łyŜwach
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na lodowisku to go ice skating on a skating rink
iść do siłowni
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to go to a gym
uprawiać dżudo
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to do judo / to do karate
uprawiać biegi przełajowe
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to go cross-country running
wziąć udział w zawodach / turnieju
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to take part in a competition / to take part in a tournament
wygrać pierwszą nagrodę w turnieju
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to win first prize in a competition
wygrać mecz dwa do zera
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to win a match by two goals to nil
przegrać w grze
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to lose the game
zakończyć grę remisem
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to finish the game with a draw
mieć najlepszy wynik /najgorszy wynik
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to have the highest / to have the lowest score
być mistrzem w rajdzie samochodowym
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to be the champion in a motor race
zacząć uprawiać hobby
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to take up a hobby
grać w bilarda
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to play billiards
grać w kręgle
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to go bowling
grać w warcaby
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to play draughts
rozwiązywać krzyźówki i puzzle
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to do crosswords and jigsaws
drabina kariery
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a career ladder
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inizia ad imparare
a work placement
praca zmianowa
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pracować na akord
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to do piecework
nienormowany czas pracy
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pracownik niezależny
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a freelance
pracownik fizyczny
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a blue-collar worker
pracownik umysłowy
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a white-collar worker
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a workaholic
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pozwolenie na pracę
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a work permit
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nie mieć wystarczających kwalifikacji
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to be underqualified
mieć zbyt duże kwalifikacje
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to be overqualified
zatrudniać na okres próbny
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to hire sb for a trial period
umowa na stałe
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a permanent contract
perspektywa awansu
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promotion prospects
urlop płatny / bezpłatny
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paid leave /unpaid leave
urlop zdrowotny
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sick leave
urlop macierzyński
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maternity leave
fundusz emerytalny
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a pension scheme
dodatkowe świadczenia
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samochód firmowy
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a company car
do negocjacji
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być uprawnionym do
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to be eligible for /to be entitled
wypadek podczas pracy
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an industrial injury
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to be promoted
być za nisko opłacanym
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to be underpaid
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to demote
wymówienie na piśmie
inizia ad imparare
notice in writing
zerwać (kontrakt)
inizia ad imparare
to terminate

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