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the issue of sth is
the issue of homelessness is very important
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problem czegoś jest
the phenomenon of sth appears to be
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Zjawisko czegos wydaje się
there has been a lot of discussion in the media about
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w mediach toczy sie dyskusja na temat
it is public knowledge that
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powszechnie wiadomo, że...
public opinion has always been divided on the subject of
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opinia publiczna zawsze była podzielona w kwestii...
have you ever thought to stop playing games?
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czy kiedykolwiek myślałeś, żeby przestać grać w gry?
nowadays almost everyone
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W obecnych czasach prawie kazdy...
many people believe that
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Wiele osob wierzy, że...
There has recently been a fierce discussion about
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Ostatnio toczy się zaciekła dyskusja na ten temat
as many advantages as disadvantages
Experts belive that sending children to school at age of 5 has as many advantages as disadventages
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tyle zalet, co wad
pros and cons of sth
let’s look at the pros and cons of this situation
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zalety i wady czegoś
the main benefit of sth
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głowna zaleta czegos
one further advantage of sth
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jednym z kolejnych plusów czegos
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oprocz tego
for instance
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na przykład
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one major disadventage
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jedna poważna wada
The opponents of... claim that
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Przeciwnicy ... twierdzą, że
contrary to
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przeciwnie do
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Niemniej jednak,
it is often said that
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Często mowi sie, ze
the statistical data shows that
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dane statystyczne to pokazują, ze
to sum up
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all things considered
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ogólnie rzecz biorąc
taking everything into account
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Rozwazajac wszystkie argumenty
as fas as I’m concerned
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Jezeli o mnie chodzi...
I fully support the view that
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W pełni popieram ten pogląd
I have to express my disapproval of
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Muszę wyrazić dezaprobatę dla

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