s. 37

 0    21 schede    murawskamagda
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Domanda Risposta
pościelić łóżko
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make your bed
spacerować z psem
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walk the dog
robić zakupy
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to do shopping
sprzątać łazienkę
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clean the bathroom
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do the ironing
robić zakupy
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do the shopping
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to the vacuuming
robić pranie
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do the washing
zmywać naczynia
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do the washing up
wystawiać pojemniki
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put the bins out
włożyć naczynia do zmywarki
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load the dishwasher
karmić zwierzaki
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feed the pets
zamiatać podłogę
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sweep the floor
sortować odpady odnawialne
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sort the recycling
Przygotować lunch kolację
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make lunch / dinner
miesiące po angielsku
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months in English
pory roku
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seasons of the year
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the summer
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the Spring
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the winter

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