Sam, sama

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sobie, siebie, sam
Were you able to do it by yourself?
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Czy byłeś w stanie zrobić to sam?
Take care of yourself.
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Dbaj o siebie.
yourself understood
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zrozumiałeś siebie
by yourself = on your own
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przez siebie = na własną rękę
by herself
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She was able to persuade the others by herself.
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Mogła sama przekonać innych.
I negotiated the deal by myself.
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Sam negocjowałem umowę.
You yourself know that it won't work.
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Sam wiesz, że to nie zadziała.
She herself led the team.
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Ona sama kierowała zespołem.
The company set the precedent by itself.
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Firma sama ustanowiła precedens.
They went to the conference by themselves.
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Poszli na konferencję osobno.
We deceived ourselves that it could be done.
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Oszukowaliśmy samych siebie, że można to zrobić.
She herself led the team successfully.
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Ona sama kierowała zespołem z powodzeniem.
I wouldn't do it that way myself.
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Nie zrobiłbym tego w ten sposób.
The company set the precedent itself.
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Firma sama ustanowiła precedens.
They created the new software by themselves.
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Stworzyli nowe oprogramowanie samodzielnie.
You yourself know that it won't work.
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Sam wiesz, że to nie zadziała.

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