School equipment in Spanish

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school equipment
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lápiz (m.)
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bolígrafo (m.)
school bag
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mochila (f.)
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Klebstoff (m.)
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grapadora (f.)
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lápices de color (m.)

Study School equipment in Spanish

Have you ever imagined speaking Spanish? Why not? Let's start with School equipment and take a look at this beautiful language! Likely you do not even know what the right spelling of School equipment in Spanish, hm? You needn't worry! The answer is just in our lesson: through VocApp's flashcards, you will also have the possibility to learn or just improve your pronunciation, thanks to our audio recordings! Do you still believe this will not be helpful someday? Are you totally sure? This is the greatest part about learning a language! The secret is all about repetition: with our method, you will have the possibility to repeat what you learned in order to remember it! Stop wasting your time on useless activities! Let's start right now withSchool equipment in Spanish!

Reasons to master Spanish

There are many reasons to study Spanish! First of all, Spanish is a engaging language. Learning Spanish will broaden your social circle and simply make you smarter! Doesn't it seem enough to you? It still isn't enough? Well, probably you are not a lover of challenges ...! Speaking a new language is certainly not so common. You could reach a commendable result "almost" alone! Do you think you can learn a language with us? Give us (and give yourself) the possibility!

How to learn Spanish efficiently

VocApp's flashcards make everything simple: you see a picture of the word, together with a Spanish translation, and remember it! Then, you hear the Spanish pronunciation of the word and voilà your Spanish vocabulary starts growing. Just 5 minutes of daily effort is enough to remember School equipment in Spanish for good!

Learn Spanish fast and efficiently!

If you feel unconfident while speaking Spanish language, make sure to take a look at our content and gain the confidence by learning Spanish language daily!

Other lessons in Spanish for you

Do not forget to have a look to other courses in Spanish and try our many other courses about Spanish too. You should start with School equipment in Spanish at this very moment!

Flashcards will let you easily build up your vocabulary and Spanish skills.

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