
 0    27 schede    willowfoot
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Domanda Risposta
the academic year
inizia ad imparare
el curso académico
at the beginning
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al principio
the lecture halls
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las aulas
full of
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lleno de
to attend
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the lecture
inizia ad imparare
la clase teórica
the exam time
inizia ad imparare
la época de examenes
run around
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correr de aquí para allá
the reading rooms
inizia ad imparare
las salas de lectura
to be unable to cope
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no dar abasto
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the faculty library
inizia ad imparare
la biblioteca de la facultad
borrow a month before
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sacar con un mes de antelación
start trembling
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echarse a tremblar
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inizia ad imparare
el cansancio
win over the invincible
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vencer a los invencibles
to despair
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the notes
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las notas
find out about the note
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recoger la nota
the nerd
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el empollón
give work
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mandar un trabajo
the matter
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la cuestión
be funny
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tener gracia
offer a helping hand
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echar una mano a alguien
sb who doesn't care about anything
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la pasota
get depressed about
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deprimirse por

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