Second hand clothes

 0    13 schede    frankherbert60
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Domanda English Risposta English
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expanding or growing rapidly
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trying to please or impress someone in a way that will bring benefits to yourself
flaming out
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an American English expression for failing badly
frown on
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to disapprove of
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objects used for storing things that consist of a row of small shelves, long spaces, or hooks
rifle through
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to search through something quickly and carelessly
soured on
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an idiom that means you stopped liking something that you used to be enthusiastic about
vouch for
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Express confidence in, or guarantee something
drag along
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to pressurise someone into going somewhere with you
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a trip somewhere
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Bricks-and-mortar business
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A business that serves customers from a building or store
the bloom has come off the rose
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the thing in question is no longer new, fresh, or exciting.

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