She said that... she told me that

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lei disse che era occupata
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she said she was busy
lei disse che non poteva andare alla festa
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she said she couldn't go to the party
lui disse che doveva andare fuori
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he said he had to go out
lui disse che stava imparando inglese
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he said he was learning English
loro dissero che non sarebbero stati a casa tardi
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they said they wouldn't be home late
lei disse che stava comprando un nuovo computer
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she said she was going to buy a new computer
loro dissero che non avevano la chiave
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they said they hadn't got the key
lui disse che mi avrebbe spedito una cartolina
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he said he would send me a postcard
dov'e' John? lei disse " è andato a casa"
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Where is John? she said "he had gone home"
lei disse che stava andando al cinema
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she said she was going to the cinema
lui mi disse che era stanco
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he told me he was tired
lui disse a me che era stanco
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he said to me he was tired
Anna mi ha detto che eri ammalato
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Anna told me that you were sick

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