Skill practice - Useful phrases

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Domanda Risposta
mieć wypadek
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have an accident
pokłócić się
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have a fight
mieć dom
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have a home
Jak minął ci weekend?
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How was your weekend?
Brzmi dobrze / interesująco!
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It sounds good/interesting!
Co robiłeś w weekend?
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What did you do at the weekend?
O czym to było?
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What was it about?
Co leciało (w kinie)?
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What was on?
Kiedy on się urodził?
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When was he born?
Kiedy on umarł?
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When did he die?
Kto jest twoim ulubionym bohaterem / złoczyńcą?
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Who's your favourite hero/villain?

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