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na wszelki wypadek
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in case
w przypadku
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in case of
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ratownik medyczny
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a surgeon
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skupiony na
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focused on
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zgubić się
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to get lost
choroba morska
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przestraszony czegoś
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scared of something
pozwać kogoś
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1. to sue SB 2. to take SB to court
móc (prawdopodobienstwo, opinia)
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may, might
podziwiać w
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admire in
wydać pieniądze na
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spend money on
słodzić herbate
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sweeten tea
jesli ktos chce rzucic palenie, powinien tobic to stopniowo
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if someone wants to quit smoking, they should do it gradually
rzucić zle nawyki
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give up bad habits
dieteryk ustala diete
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the dietician sets the diet
zamiast zjesc normalne sniadanie zjadl drozdzowke
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instead of eating a normal breakfast he ate a bun
noworoczny zwyczaj
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new year custom
ratownik medyczny ma stresującą pracę
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paramedic has a stressful job
balem sie ze oni bede sie ze mnie smieli
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I was afraid they would laugh at me
on byl bezstresowym nauczycielem
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he was a stress free teacher
dzieci latwo moga sie zgubic na plazy
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children can easily get lost on the beach
niektorzy boja sie plynac statkiem bo maja chorobe morska
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some are afraid of sailing because they have seasickness
on był sławny z powodu jego zony
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he was famous because of his wife
zakochalem sie w niej
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I fell in love with her
zakochac sie w kims
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fall in love with someone
na studiach chodzilem na targi kariery
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I went to a career fair in college
lubie latac samolotem
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I like to fly a plane
w tamtym roku pierwszy raz lecialem samolotem
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that year I flew a plane for the first time
to porownanie jest bez sensu
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this comparison is pointless
to byl meczacy dzien
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it was exhausting day
pozwolili mi byc pierwszym
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they let me be first
jezdzic na narta
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kiedy jezdzilem na nartach zawsze patrzylem w niebo zamiast na trase
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when I was skiing I always looked at the sky instead of the route
najwyrazniej wychowanie fizyczne bylo jego najmniej ulubionym przedmiotem w pierwszej klasie liceum
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apparently physical education was his least favorite subject in first grade in high school
pielegniarka musi byc otwarta na pacjentow
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the nurse must be open to patients
mam wspomnienie kiedy skakalismy przez ogrodzenie w dziecinstwie
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I have a memory when we jumped over the fence in childhood
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dom zrobiony z czerwonej cegly
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house made of red brick
house made of red brick
mieszkam na osiedlu mieszkaniowym
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I live in a housing estate
moja dziewczyna zajmuje sie dekorowaniem naszego mieszkania
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my girlfriend decorates our apartment
nie lubilem grać na flecie na lekcjach sztuki
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I didn't like to play flute at art lessons
w 2 klasie szkoly sredniej mialem wymagajacego nauczyciela
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in the 2nd grade of high school I had a demanding teacher
nie musisz tego robić chyba że masz czas
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you don't have to do it unless you have time
tak dlugo jak nie padalo moglismy zwiedzac chorwacje
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as long as it was not raining we could visit Croatia
pod warunkiem, że
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pan młody
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the groom
panna mloda
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zaprzyjaźnić się
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to make friends
mieszać skladniki
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combine ingredients
sesja egzaminacyjna
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examination session
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zaluje mojej decyzji
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regrets my decision
wydzierac sie na
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yelling at
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w internecie
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on the internet
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ogloszenie (nie ustne)
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have you seen this advertisement on the internet?
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no, I have not seen this advertisement on the internet
is it easy to understand the announcements at train stations?
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no, it is not easy to understand announcements at train stations
reklama video
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what is your least favorite commercial on christmas holidays?
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what is your least favorite commercial on christmas holidays?
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what moments are the most memorable
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I think such momemt as getting merried is the most memorable
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can you remind me of the meeting?
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yes, I can remind you about meeting
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have you seen any sells in stores?
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yes, I have seen some sells in stores
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a leaflet
have you distributed flyers?
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no, I have not distributed flyers
dobrze skomunikowany
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well connected
is the Tricity well connected?
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no, Tricity is not well connected
blisko centrum
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close to the center, near the center
are you planning to buy an apartment close to the center?
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yes, I am planning to buy an apartment close to the city
skończyć 16 lat
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turn 16 years
did you know that Mikolaj turn 18 years?
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no, I did not know that Mikolaj turn 18 years
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do you know what procrastination is?
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yes, I do. it is putting things off
odkladac cos na pozniej (phrasal)
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put something off
odkladac cos na pozniej
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do you procrastinate?
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yes, I procrastinate
czas mija
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time passes
Would you agree with me that time after 30 passes faster
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yes, I agree with you that time after 30 passes faster
wysoki (o czlowieku)
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tall (about man)
opiekować się kimś, zajmować się kimś
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take care of somebody
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na inne rzeczy
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for other things
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wyciągnąć wnioski
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draw conclusions
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przejść na emeryturę
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to retire
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a pension
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kiedy przeszedłem na emeryturę moja emerytura była strasznie niska
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when i retired my pension was terribly low
ludzie w polsce nie sa madrzy poniewaz hlosuja na pis
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people in Poland are not wise because they vote for PiS
on byl prawie tak samo wysoki jak jego brat
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he was almost as tall as his brother
ludzie ze wsi wydaja sie byc zacofani
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people from the village seem to be backward
on znowu zrobił ten sam bład I nie wyciągnąl wnioskow
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he made the same mistake again and did not draw conclusions
stawiac na (zaklady)
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bet on (bets)
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scratch card
uzaleznic sie od
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get addicted to
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zarazić się
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get infected
lek wysokosci
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fear of heights
duza wysokosc
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high height
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pick up
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a citizenship
obywatel polski
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Polish citizen
zaprosic na urodziny
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invite for a birthday
tluczek do miesa
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polegac na
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rely on
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cukierek truskawkowy
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strawberry candy
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dzielis sie opladkiem z innymi
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shared the wafer with others

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