słowka, 6.05.

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jest niezła
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she's nice
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centrum miasta
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czy ona ma dla Ciebie dokumenty?
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does she have documents for you?
czy ona jest mi w stanie pomoc?
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can she help me?
mam dla Ciebie informacje.
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I have information for you.
czy ty masz kawe?
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do you have coffee
czy zabierasz tą naczepe?
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do you take this trailer?
czy ta naczepa jedzie z Tobą?
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does this trailer go with you?
czy ty idziesz do centrum miasta?
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are you going to the city center
czy jedziesz do centrum handlowego?
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are you going to the mall
ten samochód jest niebieski.
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this car is blue.
on nie chodzi na siłownie.
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he doesn't go to the gym.
ona mnie kocha.
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she loves Me.
czy ona mi pomaga?
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does she help me?
mam dla Ciebie 3 informacje
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I have 3 pieces of information for you
mam dla Ciebie informacje
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I have information for you
mam dla Ciebie 3 rozne informacje
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I have 3 different pieces of information for you
czy ona pomaga mi w ten firmie kazdego dnia?
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does she help me in this business every day?
czy ona pracuje ze mna w tej firmie?
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does she work with me in this company?

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