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Domanda English Risposta English
abate (v)
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to become less strong
abrogate v
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to end a law, agreement or custom formally
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praise and approval
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unwilling to change an opinion or decision
admonish (v)
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to tell someone that they have done something wrong
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friendly and easty to talk to
allay (v)
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if you allay a strong emotion felt by someone, you cause them to feel it less or to feel calm again
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a loud argument or disagreement
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ancient, outdated
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hate, extreme unfriendliness or actively opposing someone
appease (v)
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to prevent further disagreement in arguments or war by giving to the other side an advantage that they have demanded
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living or growing in, happening in, or connected with water
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a person who does skilled work with his or her hands, a craftsman
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showing hard work, care and attention to detail
avenge (v)
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to do harm to or punish the person responsible for something bad done to you or your family or friens in order to achieve a fair situation
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the bane of sth, a cause of continuous trouble or unhappiness
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a fault in person’s character, a mark on something that spoils its appereance
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quick and rude in manner or speech
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a statement about someone which is not true and is intended to damage the reputation of that person
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able to contain a lot

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