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Domanda English Risposta English
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a formal accusation against someone; oskarżenie
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small claims court
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sąd ds. drobnych roszczeń
injunctive relief
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nakaz (?)
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the resolution of a dispute or lawsuit
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class action suit
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pozew zbiorowy
distribution agreement
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is an agreement made between a manufacturer and a supplier to distribute and/or sell manufactured items
agreement of sale
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a document that details the terms and conditions of a purchase
implied contract
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a contract with terms that have not been explicitly written or stated
bilateral contract
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a contract in which both parties exchange promises to perform certian things
unilateral contract
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an agreement for one party to pay anorher party party’s work
breach of contract
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severable contract
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a severable contract is comprised of several separate contracts so that the breach of one does not necesarily mean the breach of the others
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compelled or put in force by law
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in perpetuity
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comply with
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byc w zgodzie z
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billing procedure
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a system of accepting payments from clients
hourly rate
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is the cost of sb’s work per hour
retainer fee
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an amount of money paid to reserve the services of a lawyer
up front
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before its done
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money awarded to a client at the end of a case
contingency fee
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the % of money awarded that a lawyer gets

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